Kang MiYoung aka Makino Hoshi

100 3 1

Hair - Olive green hair

Eyes - Pine green eyes

Height - 5'7

Birthday/Zodiac - February 14, Aquarius

Blood Type - O

Ethnicity - Korean, Japanese, African

Personality traits - Short tempered, strong willed, stubborn, blunt, sarcastic, clever, confident


Enneagram type - 6w5

Likes - Chicken Katsu, r&b music, coffee 

Voice claim - SZA

Backstory - She lived in Daegu, South Korea with her father, being a good student and basically a scholar in training. That is, until 2nd year in junior high, when her father got drunk and shot up her school. His motive was that MiYoung was being heavily bullied, always coming home with bruises and scars, sometimes being soaked from being pushed into a lake or a fountain or something on the way home from, during, or to school. After that, she moved to Japan to live with her mother, where she got her name legally changed to Makino Hoshi, a hair cut, wore eyeliner and lashes and everything that could hide that she was the cause of the incident in Korea. Her mother was a powerful businesswoman, and she wouldn't let a child ruin her legacy, always saying "Don't ever slip up and speak Korean" "Don't eat or even think about eating Korean food." "Don't speak of your father. He is dead to us both." "Don't speak of Korea." And of course, MiYoung, or Makino, did as she was told. But when she got older, she legally changed her name back to Kang MiYoung, learning that during all those years, she never needed to hide who she was from other people, because they didn't matter. What mattered is that her father had gotten out of jail because he didn't actually kill anyone and he wasn't planning to, and he was always there for her and a good dad, when her mother was selfish and insensitive.

Song representation - Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People 

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