Therioes And Knowledge.|11

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Everyone roared. You connected eyes with Armin, The two nodded at each other. "Don't leave my side!" Armin said while running and going into the air, You followed behind him. You were cautiously looking everywhere for Titans. You looked near and Annie. Saving Jean from death, you saw Mikasa kill two in a row. Connie got a titan's attention and saved Marco's life. "Mikasa's using too much gas." You heard Armin mumble. Looking in Armin's direction. Mikasa's gas stopped coming out of her ODM and Both went after her.

"Come on where is she!" Armin said. You looked up and down, in every ally and path in between each building.

"Armin, ill go on a roof! You stay in the air!"
You yelled and he did as told. You were in a panic, she took a pretty nasty fall. "Where is she!" You screamed. "(Y\N)!" You heard Armin's voice. You wiped your head to where you heard his voice. "Mikasa, I found her!" You rushed over, You saw Armin go down and picked her up off the ground. But something wasn't right there was a titan was running away from her. You rushed over to  Armin to tell him your thought about that titan. Who was going towards Connie

"Mikasa! " (Y\N) ran towards her. "Are you alright?"
She nodded followed by a sentence. "Look, at the elf eared titan, it's fighting its kind." Armin looked in confusion. "I-I noticed that as well!" You shouted."  Connie looked rather concerned for the girls, "Armin, I think they lost it." Connie said. (Y\N) turned to faced Connie and walked over to him and harshly elbowed him in the chest, "OI, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" He. Said "Two things, it's rude to say that about a girl! And second. You know dame what on what you did. You promised!" Connie looked pissed, but keep quiet.

Armin spoke up on the situation, " Wait, Mikasa,  what happened exactly?" Armin asked the raven-haired girl. "Well, I was about to be dead to a titan. Then out of the blue 'That' titan appeared and stomped on the one that tried to get me. To a pulp. And it just avoided the fact that I was there."

"Should we tell the others?" Connie suggest.
"Duh. Next thing we know it could be someone's next target." You said while folding your arms.
Armin looked at you. He looked still confused with the situation, he decided to keep silent and speak at another time because He didn't want to get elbowed by (Y\N) if he sounded wrong or unclear, even though he knows that you would never hurt him physically. It's just he knew you were a fighter.

"Wait, We're low on gas! We should refill." Armin said ." And we don't know how much we have left until we run out and get hurt."
"But we need to tell the other's first, we need to regroup anyway!" Connie said.
Armin gave you a worried look. You walked over and said "Armin. It will be ok just trust us." You took his hand. you had to pull harshly just to get him moving on his feet again.  After a moment, You then saw Armin running in sync next to you, you noticed Armin was holding tighter than you were. It warmed your heart.

"Oi! jean!"
Connie said. caching Jean, Annie, Reiner, Bertolt and Marco's attention.
"Look at that titan," Mikasa said while pointing at the elf-eared giant. "We have to guard it as long as we can." She said. " well we should leave it-" Jean said, but was interrupted by Annie. "Let's think of it this way if the others are trying to attack them. We shouldn't worry about it, it's capable of self-defence." She said.

"Right. But we have to refuel our gas. So what do we do?" Reiner asked. While the others were talking. Armin looked at the centre castle. And pulled on your jacket. "(Y\N). Look over there."
He pointed, you followed his hand and you were left in shock. Titans were trying to get into the center Castel. "Uhh, guys. We have a problem. Titans are near the Castle." (Y\N) said.

Everyone froze and was silent.
Armin spoke up. " I have an idea. I'll give Connie the rest of my gas that I have left and whoever has closed none left. Will split with someone else. I assume I'm the lightest here. Connie will carry me. That should be enough for us to get there?"

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