Preparing For The Hunt And Assembling A Fleet

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Its been a total of 4 weeks that Hood had been getting uses to her new weapons the Royal Navy signed off by her Majesty is assembling  a hunt party to take down Bismarck everyone was assembling in the main AL base but everyone else was worrying about Hood's new behavior she still kind of acts like she was before but with a more violent tendency somewhat like every British Badguy with a Scottish tone is the new way she speaks she still acts the same but she's taken a liking of blades she's been crafting some blades in a workshop she made.

It was the middle of the morning Hood was busy finishing her new blades when someone knocked on her door.

Iowa: Hood....

Hood: Mmpphh{In a dark tone}

Iowa: The Queen requests your presence at once

Hood: I'll be there in 3

Hood then put one her new hidden blade under her sleeve all custom made.

As she walked towards the royal garden everyone that saw her had an bad feeling as if there was an dark aura around her as Texas felt

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As she walked towards the royal garden everyone that saw her had an bad feeling as if there was an dark aura around her as Texas felt.

Texas: Jesus...that's a dark brit tight there

Midway: Kind of what we Americans though of the British at first

Texas: Well said partner

As Hood entered the royal garden she sat down next to her majesty, Warspite, Wales, Illustrious with Sheffield, Edinburgh, and Belfast.

Hood: {In a dark but elegant tone} You called me your Majesty..?

Queen Elizabeth: Well Hood everyone is ready to help you gain revenge against Bismarck

Wales: The fleet in consist of me, all my sisters, Ark Royal, Eagle, Sheffield, Rodney, Belfast, Dorsetshire,  Gloucester,  and Norfolk 

Hood: Any word on her....?

Illustrious: Bismarck has been in port for a while now receiving repairs from your previous battle they seem to be almost complete as she looks to be moving soon

Hood: Can i get every submarine we have to track her movements

Queen Elizabeth: Of course Hood 

Wales: We'll get her Hood you bet your arse we will

Illustrious: Language Wales..

Meanwhile all the museum ships were discussing on Hood and Wales's very changed behaviors.

Iowa: Damn...

Missouri: Who knew they could act like this 

Little Rock: I just wanna go home

Tarawa: We'll still be here for a while Rock

Intr: So what's the point here?

Wisconsin: Well defiantly back in our timeline their looking for us

Midway: I heard that the Royal Navy is going on a hunt to find Bismarck

New Jersey: Hehe reminds me of sabaton {Hums Bismarck}

Missouri: Should we do something about it?

Iowa: i think we should let the royal navy handle their own business 

Midway: I got a bad feeling for old Bismarck and Eugen

Texas: Meeh at least they ain't like the Bismarck and Eugen we have now 

Tarawa: i never knew that the Germans would rearm their navy with such ships 

Salem: yes...those german monsters

Meanwhile at the Ironblood Base Bismarck and Prinz Eugen had recovered from damage sustained during  their battle with Hood and Wales ass they two sat near the shipyards where there ships were being repaired  they were talking over the battle they had.

Prinz Eugen: Ara what's wrong Bismarck...?

Bismarck: I know that we Ironblood created the Red Axis to use Siren tech for the sake of humanity but now...

Prinz Eugen: Ara ara are you having regrets? 

Bismarck: Mmhh some....

"Flashes back to their battle"

Bismarck had Hood on the ropes badly damaged Bismarck was holding Hood by the neck as Wales was battling Prinz Eugen she was helpless but to look on.

Hood: W...why...why did you betray our alliance...?

Bismarck: Only with great power can we truly save humanity so we've..... simply choosen a different path i don't expect you to understand this but once up in heaven you can look down and decide who's right and wrong...

Wales: Hood!! {Gets bitten by Prinz's rigging} GaAAh!!

Bismarck: Good....bye...old friend {Before she stabs her in the chest}

Outside the base an Azur Lane recon plane flew over the Ironblood base capturing a picture of the two ships in dock. Back at the AL base all the Royal Navy vessels as Hood was in her place working on her blades once more she had been working on a bunch of them as she polishes a saber she made for Wales she threw one unfinished blade at a picture of Bismarck.

Meanwhile back in the present day Iowa's granddaughter has sent out messages asking for ships to help them in their rescue mission. In Pearl Harbor the four Iowa class descendants were meeting up on the group fleet.

BB-300 Missouri: So who made the call?

BBS-87 Iowa: We got some aussies, Germans, Royal Navy, some russkys, and even some  Japs and cannucks are gonna join in 

BBC-00 Wisconsin: So which ships are coming?

BBS-87 Iowa: For the Germans it's Bismarck and Prinz Eugen for the Australian its Hunter, Sydney, and Perth the Brits are Her Majesty, His Highness, Duke Of York, Dauntless, Dragon, Belfast, Sheffield, Dreadnought, Victorious, Audacious, and Anson the Russians are giving us Sovetsky Soyuz, Severomorsk, and Admiral Yumashev 

BB-300 Missouri: The JMSDF is sending Haguro, Kirishima, Chokai, Asahi, Ise, Ōryū and Soryu finally the Canadians are sending Maple, Calgary, and Chicoutimi

BB-200 New Jersey: So the brits are sending us their only carriers

BB-300 Missouri: Are you forgetting someone?

BBS-87 Iowa: The Royal Navy has four carriers now Q.E and PoW along with the two new carriers Queen Victoria and King Edward VII of the Victoria class 

BB-200 New Jersey: Aaahh i see dzięki, nie wiedziałam. "thanks i didn't know"

BBS-87 Iowa: Should have checked the news friend...

BBC-00 Wisconsin: So when do they all show up

BBS-87 Iowa: Well it depends on how quick they are

BB-300 Missouri: We'll get them back i swear we will....

To be continued....

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