Prologue: Dark Nightmares

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Tears trails down my cheeks, painting my pale skin a gentle rouge colour. The gentle crying of a baby filled the hallway of the house making me reach out for the tissue box on the side table of the bed.

I glanced over at the clock that so abruptly struck twelve at night. A disappointment washed over me as I glanced down at the empty side of the bed I was not to long ago fumbling on so restlessly. He was gone before I got a chance to kiss him good morning and came when the nightmares rumbling through my mind captured me prison. He was lost within a chapter of a book that would only leave him with a cliff hanger, possibly a dead end.

I carefully wiped away the dampness off my cheeks before walking out of our bedroom where not only did two hearts once roared, but also lied the two skeletons of a couple that once was so deeply in love.

As always the hallway lights were dimmed to almost a pitch black, but a tiny wisp of light peeked through the closed wooden door. I so carefully opened the door to find my daughter crying with her beautiful azure eyes full of tears. Her tiny hands wailed in the air while her chubby cheeks and tiny nose were a fresh rose hue.

"Come here Violette," I cooed as I outstretched my hands to pick up the unhappy little baby. She instantly crawled into the crook of my neck while telling her little sob story in random baby whispers.

I moved away from the baby pink crib to the rocking wooden chair occupying the corner of the nursery. Gently taking a seat, I rubbed her back in soothing motions as she calmed down her crying to tiny hiccups. Her tiny fingers curled around my raven black hair while her eyes grew heavy with sleep.

"Shhh baby," I whispered as she started to fall asleep peacefully and her once tinted cheeks calmed down to a soft pink.

I didn't wait much after before getting up from the rocking chair and heading towards the exit of the nursery where another empty crib laid untouched. My throat clumped up with a need to cry out my pain, but I walked away from the painful reminder to the comfort of my bedroom.

My daughter stayed cradled into my neck as I peeled the sheets off my bed to lay her down in the middle. She instantly found comfort on the new mattress, as I couldn't help but admire her tiny features. The tiniest button nose along with rosy plump lips. Her eyes were the same colour of mine, an azure blue, the one her father adored so much. I couldn't help, but wonder if her sister would keep the colour of my eyes and whether or not she would have someone to cradle next to when her nightmares decided to come and visit.

The painful reminders were all there, no matter how hard I tried to convince my heart that at the end of the day she would come in my arms. But, a dream is just as good as a lie because at the end of the day both were made to put the traitorous heart to peace. At the end of the day even I knew, I had lost my daughter to the reality, the truth.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the door to the nursery down the hallway creek open. Not too long after that, the door closed back shut almost just as quietly as it was propped open. I silently heard the footsteps near the wooden door of my bedroom, while the ticking of the clock seemed the one of a time bomb that was set on an unknown punishment.

I looked down at the tiny baby sleeping next to me and couldn't help, but gently scoop her closer to my side. She instantly snuggled to my warmth and splayed her tiny fingers on my stomach. Her baby scent started to dig into the comforters of the bed leaving me with the reminder of her sister that had occupied the same bed not too long ago.

As the wooden door propped open I closed my eyes shut hoping this was not yet another nightmare that would leave me screaming on top of my lungs for help. The footsteps approached towards me in a quiet whisper as I stayed muted. The steps came to a dead end right next to me at the edge of the bed.

"Ravenna," He whispered.

This is a preview of the novella of His Therapist! You will get to go back a few years to experience how Rafael and Ravenna navigated through their relationship after losing their older daughter! Believe me when I say it is not worth to skip this read! You can find this story exclusively on the app RADISH under my name JazmineIrisGrace. The link to my profile is also on my website in my bio, just need to click the house icon or just type JazmineIrisGrace. The link is also on my chat board here!

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