Chapter One | His Love

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I knew that voice, it belonged to him.

I tucked Violette closer to my chest as her tiny body snuggled into my warmth instinctively. The tears in my eyes trailed down my cheeks as he waited for me to turn to him, but I was broken and he didn't need to see that. He didn't need to see that his Ravenna was no longer his lover, but his worst enemy because I held the power to break him.

I held the power no bullet held and it was the power to kill him alive.

"Amore." He whispered as he knelt beside the bed, next to me. {translation: love}

The tears now streamed down my cheeks as he brushed his hand over my head, through my hair.

"Open your eyes Ravenna, let me see you." I knew he loved me more than anything in his world and there was no doubt in my heart for the limitless love for him, but would it be enough to keep us from falling apart. Would it be enough to keep us from withering away like rose petals that had been left to die. The beauty will eventually fade away leaving just a skeleton of what we were once.

Rafael sighs as he pulls away from my side and goes to the other side of the bed where Violette was sleeping calmly in my arms.

I flinched and instantly opened my tear filled eyes as Violette was pulled from my arms.

"Relax amore, I'm just putting her back in the crib." He reassured me as he kissed her tiny forehead and smiled sadly at the tiny sigh she released as she snuggled against him.

Walking out of our room, the door across the hall was propped open before a little while later closed gently with a whisper.

Rafael came back into the bedroom and headed straight to the bathroom. The shower turned on and with that I turned to face the creme ceilings on top of me. The chandelier above us glistened in the night and the wind rattled against the glass windows as if holding the haunting ghosts of the past.

The water stopped in the shower and after a few long minutes the bathroom door propped open. Rafael walked into the closet before coming back out in a pair of grey sweats and his hair still dripping wet from the shower he took.

As he made his way to our bed, he looked down at me before smiling softly. He pulled the sheets on his side down before scooting down to where I was laying with cheeks still wet from my trailing tears.

His smile faltered as he saw my blue eyes full of unshed tears and the smile on my face was nowhere to be found, the same as it has been for many days.

"Non mi piace vederti piangere amore mio." {translation: I don't like seeing you cry my love.}

I smile at him sadly as I bring my fingers to the frown on his lips. I run my fingers softly over his face before cupping his face into my hand.

He tilts his head and presses a kiss inside the palm of my hand before relaxing his face back into my hand.

"We'll find her, Ravenna. I promise you, baby." Tears trail down my cheeks again as he mentions our lost daughter.

"She's just a baby Rafael. I can't lose her, she still needs me to hold her when she cries at night. You are still supposed to teach her to walk. We are still supposed to protect her." I cry out with hiccups as he groans in pain.

Pulling me to his chest, he lets me cry out my pain and heartbreak.

"I'm so sorry, amore. I'm so sorry I failed you and my daughter." He whispers as the pain spills from him.

I clench onto him as he continues to hold me. When the tears finally stop coming, I stare straight ahead feeling numb and void of any feelings. My love for him will never disappear, but this heartbreak for my daughter makes me feel like I won't make it out of this. This pain is enough to kill me.

"I love you Ravenna." He lulls while clenching to me just as hard, hoping he doesn't lose me. We both hope to not lose each other, but would we be able to save ourselves.


Thank you for reading, this is a limited time preview! The rest of the book will be written on the app RADISH, under my name JazmineIrisGrace.

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