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"Your power will outmatch mine and fix my mistakes, you will protect and guide the next owner of my power in the right direction."

Ymir Fritz said looking up at the model of a newly built titan, built by her own hands. Normally the person turned into a titan gets to make and design their own titan form but this was a special case.

"And if the holder doesn't follow the right path you may stop them and guide them back. Please my guardian keep everyone on this planet safe."

"Unlike other titan holders you may live a full human life, and if you deem a possessor of one power of the nine titans worthy you can extend their life as well. Just please help and fix the world I was forced and made to create."

"You will be like any other and loved by all races, if the future goes the way I hope. Teach them of the real path and history of the world. Guide the world like someone once guided me, but this time guide them to hope, peace and..."


The Guardian Titan (Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now