I think I like Joey...

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I think I like joey. He is just so nice to me! I don't know why? He is really sweet and he always meets up with me and hugs.

"Hey Alex!" He hugs me and I hear my self breath and a tear run down my face.

I wipe the tear away as he let's go of me.

"Hi!" I say after he hugs me.

"How are you!" He says with a perky smile!

"Look Joey! There is nothing going on between us we are jus..." He kisses me and cuts me off because he was probably scared I would reject him.

We get to his place and get upstairs and jump on his bed. He offers me some alcohol and I just say what the hell?

-2 hours later-

We are kissing and I stop him. Lock the door. And realise its 3:00 am. "Joey we need to get some sleep!"

-the morning-

I wake up with a pounding headache and I see Joey's clothes on the floor. Oh know really. I don't remember anything so I wake joey up and he tells me everything!

"Joey. Joey. Wake up what happened last night!" I say waking him up.

I see his eyes engage looks at the floor and he freaks!

"What the hell! DID WE..."

"I don't know? I was drunk I don't remember anything! Well my clothes aren't off." I look at myself and I have a massive shirt on.

"Is this your shirt!" He looks down at me.

"Yeah it is? What the hell?"

I get my stuff! Storm out of the door; slamming it behind me!

I wonder before I slammed the door I should of said I never wanted to see him again.

I am sat on the grass and in the corner of my eye I see someone walking towards me. I stand up run away! I am a slow runner and he catches up with me.

The stranger grabs my arms and pushes me into a white van! I scream for Joey!

He keeps telling me to calm down but I was freaking out! We park and I stop kicking the van doors! I get out the van with my hands tied up behind me! The man pulls me out the van holding my arms and shoulder! I keep rustling; trying to get him off me, but it doesn't work!

"What do you want from me!" I scream nearly punching him in the face!

The stranger (I think his name was Ian) pulled my mask off and I look up. I am at my house! I feel the wind brush passed my eyes as they widen and I struggle even more to get out!

"I don't want to be here! Let me go please!!" A tear rolls down my face and I scream at my highest voice "JJJOOOEEEYYYY!!!!"

"Wow! Lady! Your voice is high!"

He pushes me in the house and I trip over the door frame and onto the floor!

I look in the door and my mum hugs the guy and he leaves?

My mum walks up to me and shouts at me so loudly that my ear drum nearly burst!

"Mum I have a plane to catch!! Get off me!" I scream in her face!

"What do you mean!" Her voice dropping in shock.

"I am going to a school in London! I applied thinking you wouldn't care!" I stood up. Realised my hands and walk out the door!

-3 hours later-

I am still on the plane and I just woke up! I feel a buzz in my pocket because I forgot to turn on airplane mode! For some reason I have signal. I had a text from Joey. As I read it in my pupil a flash back crosses my mind! I open my eyes and a guy standing there in front of me!

"Excuse me can I sit down this is my seat!" He says as me sits down and I turn on he TV!

"Yeah sure! Sit down?" I mumble in the mind and out loud!

"So are you new here?" He asks me as I pause the TV and answer him.

"No! I am going to a new school in London!" I say nervously!

"Oh what school! I am going to Havelock!"

"Oh I am as well! And my old school I think was called that!" We carry on a convosation for a long time until the plane lands! We get off the plane and I get into a cab saying bye to Alex? I'm not sure if that's his name?

I get to my small flat and unpack my things. And made it feel like I was at home! I went to the shops to get some bread and fish finger to have a fish finger sandwich!

I had a knock on the door.

"Wait a second!" I shout to the door.

I run to the birch door and open it!

"Alex?" I said questioning my own speech?

"Hi! I saw you walk into your house so I thought I would visit!"

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