▶️ | I Want You - Mitski.

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A personal theory Gojo has had.

Love is the most twisted curse of them all.  Love had it's way of breaking your heart and your soul. There was absolutely no way to keep it hidden. Once the curse hits,   it sticks like a slimy monster.

Gojo was young when he found out the pain love brings.


He was love.

Love shouldn't have a definition in Gojo's opinion. Everyone has different views on love. To him, love is a curse and a blessing. Love can bring out the best of you and keep you warm and loved for ages. But, as said, it can rip your soul out and crush it, leaving it broken till the end of time.


Gojo looks out in the horizon, seeing the ruins of the poor village. The village that Geto destroyed. Bodies laid everywhere as their souls slowly leave their bodies and go to another life.

As Gojo runs to find Geto, he runs past a few familiar bodies.




His own students.

He fell to his knees as he realized he wasn't able to save them. He wasnt able to take them to Tokyo again and go shopping and eating with all the money they had. He wouldn't be able to do it anymore.

"A shame really, they seemed like good kids."

Gojo turned and came face to face with Geto.

"I know we had problems  but why my students", Gojo cried. Why why why why why why.

"You brought this upon yourself. That moment you confronted me."

Gojo stared at Geto in shock. Gojo thinks how it could've came to this. All Gojo ever wanted was love. He dreamed of living with Geto when he was younger. He dreamed of living together and growing old together. But he forced himself too much sometimes. That's why he hasn't killed him now as he looks over his students. He couldn't kill Geto. Because despite the years,  Gojo was still on love.

Love. That slimy monster.

Gojo broke down. This had to be a dream. His kids were still alive. He was just sleeping. Everything was fine.

"Stop trying to run from things you can't control Gojo. You have to face me sooner or later", Geto said, almost as if reading the utter denial Gojo had. Gojo cried, "Why? Why did you have to- why did you leave me Suguru? I loved you. I LOVE YOU STILL. SO WHY IS THIS SO PAINFUL?"


Gojo woke up with sweat dripping down his face.

Thank god it was a dream.

That meant the kids where safe.

But no matter what, Gojo will always remember his pain of love.

To him, love can be anything.

And to him, love was Geto Suguru. The boy he met as a second year. Although they disagreed on some topics,  Gojo grew to love the boy. The way he talked. The way he smiled. The way he did anything. Gojo was in love with all of it. 

Yet, love does its painful work.


Not even the toughest human can hide its heart from it. It can come unannounced and hit you like a hammer. And thats the way it come for Gojo. The news of Geto killing a whole village broke Satoru to numbness. As much as a carefree man he considered himself to be. He broke his facade. For the first time in a long time. He broke.

The power love can have.

To him. Love is strong. Love is like a curse. It fights and fights and doesn't stop. The only thing you can do, is accept its presence. Yet, it still fights. But as Gojo has learned, its hard to fight.

Love. In order to avoid it. You must not give your love to anything. Not even an animal. Therefore  you can't get hurt. If you attach nothing to tour heart  they're will be no pain. But for Gojo Satoru, he has a man by the name of Geto Suguru, who refuses to let go of the string of love tied to Gojo's heart.

And with that, Gojo is still in love.

And with that, Gojo is still in love

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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