Chapter 11:

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Mayu pov:

''We had introduced ourselves as the top 5 prodigies and m/n smiled at us and said it was an honor meeting us. When we were done eating, the one that was number 1 back then in the top 5 shinobi group,

Hayashi Akihiro asked m/n if y/n could join our group, m/n was a bit shocked at first, but then y/n gave her a sweet smile and said that she would be fine. M/n then agreed and just asked us if y/n could visit on special occasions, we nodded and thanked her for the food, we said goodnight and got ready for bed and when it was the morning we got ready to leave with y/n

she said goodbye to her mother and we left. Once we left and got to our training base we introduced her to our sensei and he welcomed her and asked Akihiro what happened with the previous, Akihiro told him what happened and told him how we met y/n

and why he asked her to join, sensei asked y/n to please fight one of us and she said she would like to fight all of us at once'' I paused and looked at them ''and she won'' I looked at everyone's expression and they seemed surprised

''sensei was surprised but said nothing. y/n was then a few months with us, we went on a mission and trained hard, y/n trained and went home on special occasions. She started training for months non stop, we were all wondering why then she told us its almost her birthday''

I took a deep breath before I continued ''when it was her birthday she said goodbye to us and she left, we all expected her to be there for at least a week maybe less but we were wrong, she came back the same day all sad and angry and covered in blood, when we asked her what happened she ignored us and went to her room-'' I was cut off by Lee and asked me what happened

''you see when y/n went home she found her mother dead, her sister still had a pulse, and before s/n died y/n found people and asked for their help-''

Sakura then interrupted "I might be off but kakashi sense said he had met a girl once who had brought her sister towards them. He said the girl was injured and was busy dying. He also said the older sister of the girl was to friendly for someone who's sister was dying, he thought that maybe she had done it but once Leila told her she had done everything she could he saw her face change. He said that Leila told her she did everything she could and he expected her to be angry but she thanked them before he could ask her what her name was she was gone"

''Yeah y/n mentioned something about meeting people and asked for their help, y/n was also really thankful she met them even though they failed y/n was still happy they tried''

I gave everyone a small smile, I then continued ''we were all practicing when we heard y/n, we rushed to see if she was okay because she was home too early, she was covered in a bit of blood and she then ignored every last one of us and went to her room, shutting the door, she stayed in her room for about 2 months only coming out to get food and something to drink

Then once when she came out of her room we thought she might only go to take some food and something to drink but we were wrong she started practicing like nothing ever happened, but she started hitting things, letting all her emotions out, at first sensei told us to let her be,

but about 3 minutes later we had to stop y/n, because if she continued she would have made the whole building collapse and a week after that y/n was her normal self again smiling, laughing and making all of us smile again. We then received a day after everything was going good again

the mission went smooth until we encountered a rogue ninja, now keep in mind we were weak back then so we had no chance against him, except y/n but she refused to fight him because he was not part of the mission, and she would probably end up killing him, but we forced her to fight and she ended up killing him''

we felt awful for pushing her to do something she didn't want to do, she then buried him and paid her respects to him, even though he was a bad guy she still felt remorse for him''

I looked at them smiling before continuing ''on our way back from the mission we tried to cheer y/n up, we told her that it's ok to hurt people who hurt the people you love she just nodded not saying anything, I'm gonna skip a bit otherwise we will be here all day'' I laughed a bit

''So it was about 2 days before we left to protect the villages that were assigned to us, y/n told us that when she arrives at her village she is going to be rude to her new team and the people in the village and that she will only be nice to them when she needs to protect them-'' I got cut off before I could continue

''But why would she do that, what will she accomplish out of that!'' Shikamaru asked raising his voice a bit, I looked at him

''well y/n told us something, she told us why she has to be rude to you guys, she might seem rude but her reasons are not selfish but in fact to keep you guys safe and not to make you upset'' I said looking at everyone a bit sad

''And what would those reasons be? " Kiba asked, my face fell, sad to bring up what we spoke about but then looked at everyone with a tear threatening to escape

''Well, you see y/n she it...-''

''that's enough Mayu''

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