4~My Date With Gears

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I woke up in the middle of the night in my bed and heard footsteps. My door was open. I grabbed my crutches and hopped into the hallway. Suddenly the door shut behind me. I tried to walk to the staircase. It felt like forever. I could hear groans. I looked back and walked into something or someone. The groans were louder then before. I looked back and saw my brother Lucas standing in front of me. But this wasn't the Lucas I knew. He had white eyes with no pupils. As if someone painted his eyes white. The left side of his jaw was hanging only from a few strings of skin tissue. He had glass in his forehead & chest and black blood dripping from the glass. His legs were bent in ways no one should have and his hair was gelled up like always. He was wearing a graphic design shirt and jeans.

I screamed as I fell to the floor and crawled back.
"Lucas! Lucas it's me! Tori!" I yelled. "HELP!" I crawled back about a couple of feet and then he stopped limping to me. I backed up into someone again. It was Slendy. But he didn't recognise me. I saw rows and rows of dead children between the age of 3-10. I tried to get up but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. Then I woke up screaming. I held myself wheezing. I looked outside to see if Lucas was still alive but the grave was covered like it was last night. I started the breathe heavily.

My dad came to wake me up. He was upbeat and cheerful until he saw me. He came and hugged me. He asked me about what happened and I told him about the dream which was more of a nightmare. He hugged me for along time and he helped me down to breakfast. I heard my step-mother ranting about some poker game she won. I sat in my seat thinking about the dream. What did it mean. I looked a Slender Man worriedly. Was he going to attack me? I picked up a piece of toast and started to eat. I put on a song from my phone and listened to it.

"What are you doing? Trying to seem like you're worth something." She said as she threw an apple in the air. I knew she was drunk.
"Cristina she's had a hard time..." My dad defended.
"Whatever. She is exactly like her mother. She was a worthless, untalented Bi..." I cut her off by throwing one of me axes, hitting that apple and splitting it in two.
"I knew what you we going to say. I am not worthless and I am not untalented. If I wanted to I would kill you right now." I said sternly. I got up and retrieved my axe. I went back to my room and stayed their for the rest of the month.

When it was time to get my cast off I limped down to the hospital wing. Dr. Smiley took off my cast and I started to walk again. He did some tests on my leg to see how it was working. It was working fine. Actually better then before. I could run further than before. I could jump higher.

I went to the training room to remember that I have a story and I have to be ready for it. I heard the doorbell ring. I stayed in the training room. My dad opened the door and I saw Gears. He had something behind his back.
"Hey Tori." He said. He smiled and my dad left. He then gave me black roses.
"Why are you training? I thought that..." I cut him off.
"I went to the human world and a hunter threw a knife that hit my leg. I had to have a cast on for a month. So now I'm training my leg again."
"Oh. So...I was wondering if... You... Wanted to... Go on a... Date with... Me." He said very hesitantly.
"Ok. Where?"
"I know this great restaurant. I'll pick you up at Seven?"
"Sure it's a date." I said. He ran out and went home. I had no idea what a date was. I walked to Jacky and Cindy for advice. Jacky was Exited.

"A date is you and him together having a romantic night." Jacky explained
"Love. You look in his eyes and he looks in yours. You kiss."
"You mean relationships?"
"Yes. Wait what's you definition of a relationship?"
"Showing affection." She looked at me.
"You've got a lot to learn."

They walked me upstairs and we got me ready. It was about 3pm. I got a dress that my mother gave me and did a few alterations. I put my contacts back on and my makeup.

It was 7pm and I heard him knock on the door. My dad called me down. I walked down the stairs in high heels. I curled my hair and had the necklace he gave me around my neck. I smiled at him. I was wearing a purple, silk dress which went just above my ankles. I had a black, leather jacket on and a belt. He looked different too. He didn't have a clock for an eye and the sides of his mouth weren't sown up.

"You look great." He said
"So do you." I replied. I said goodbye to my dad and walked with Gears to the restaurant. It was outside near the river. We met Pinkamena at the place. She was going to be the cook for our date. He gave me a seat and and sat opposite of me. It was candle lit. Pinkamena came out wearing her trademark clothes. A dress made out of Cutie Marks and wings. A/N I don't watch my little pony. Sorry if I messed something up.

"What would you like this evening?" I looked at the menu and saw that the only thing that was for dessert were cupcakes. But the rest of the menu were savoury meals; tarts, steak, pasta.
"I'll have the steak and Tori?" He asked.
"I'll have spaghetti. Thank you." I gave my menu to her and she walked off. We talked about school and our holidays. I talked to him about the ringing and voices I have been hearing. He didn't mind that but he did hilarious impressions and showed me things I could never see in my lifetime. Our dinner came out.

"So..." Gears started but he stopped when he realised that Pinkamena was listening.
"Oh sorry." She said and left to get our desserts.
"Nathan. It's my real name. Gears is my CreepyPasta name." He started to eat his steak.
"Out of all the girls at school... Why did you pick me?" I asked.
"Because... You're beautiful, talented and you looked like you've been having a hard time." I smiled and started to eat my spaghetti.

Once we finished eating we had dessert and my one had an eyeball. We laughed and I gave him the eye. I smelt the cupcake and it wasn't made of pony. It was made out of real ingredients. I bit into a cupcake and saw strawberry jam in the centre. I smiled.

We walked to the dock and sat at the end of it. He put his arm around me and we looked at the moon in the sky.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"About what?" I replied.
"Your brother. I knew him. He was my best friend before he died." We both went silent and he started to sing. "I wished you the best of
All this world could give
And I told you when you left me
There's nothing to forgive
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
Heartbreak and misery
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
You're happy without me." I started to sing with him.

"As I sink in the sand
Watch you slip through my hands
Oh, as I die here another day
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile.

I wished you the best of
All this world could give
And I told you when you left me
There's nothing to forgive
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
Heartbreak and misery
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
You're happy without me

It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
You're happy without me." We leaned in and kissed. It was the most magical thing I had ever felt.

We walked home and he said goodnight. He kissed me on the cheek. I could feel happiness, passion and love. I was flustered with love. I smiled for the rest of the night. I was in love.

It was Christmas and he came over to celebrate. Same with Jacky's mom & brother and Cindy's Grandmother Mrs. Sarah Lee. He made all of us laugh. He met my step-mother who treated him like she treats everyone. Blair tried to prank me. But I would always dodge it and sometimes it ended up on Nathan. I saw the snow and actually got to go in it. At the end of the day we would sit in front of the fireplace. My dad was happy that I was in love and so was I.

A/N Hey Guys. Hope you are enjoying this story. I felt like she needed love in her life. So please comment, vote and if you like what I do follow me. #TicciTori❤️Gears. Cya Bye.

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