tell me a story

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Vivian Jennings was a seventeen year old girl from california. She wasn't the most popular at the her school but she made it work. She was nicknamed as 'weirdo vinny' due to the fact that she was different from her peers. She had small tattoos scattered around her arms and legs and her outfit choices were very different. They even made up a rumor that if someone ever encountered her she'll cast a spell on them.

Of course she couldn't do that it was literally impossible but people still chose to stay away from her. She kinda likes being the 'outcast' she thought everyone in California looked the same and act the same and she didn't want to be like them at all. Especially when 95% of them would peak in highschool anyway. She enjoyed being different because she knew there was nobody else like her.

A little while after her second semester of her junior year her mom got a job promotion and now they are moving to Wilmington, North Carolina. While Vivian hadn't ever been to a small town like Tree Hill she knew she'll like it there because there are less judgmental faces. While looking at the house she'll be moving into, she noticed it was next weekend to a house with a red door she instantly fell in love with it. She loved how big and authentic it looked it totally wasn't like the million dollar mansions in California. The house looked like it was made for a actual family not for a rich celebrity.

Now finishing off her junior year with a good and fresh start she wonders if they'll be anything big happening in Tree Hill but she doubts because what can possibly happen in a small town like Tree Hill.

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