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Missy pov
Pella said me and wheels are going to take gups home we said ok we all decided to go back when we got there we saw i vines and flowers on a door we went in i hugged may while Pella hugged a girl that was with may they asked who she was me and Pella said she is my sister they all looked shocked we went to the living room and asked what she was doing here wheels went to put guppy to bed they said mrs g said to come to this address we came and we live here now i noticed that they were really close i said nothing tho after talking for awhile i said u should meet guppy i went to wake her and i carried her to the living room i sat by wild guppy Said she was Thirsty wild got guppies water bottle she drank some and decided to make a submarine she made it swim all around they looked over to guppy she brung it back and swallow it after that she put her head in wilds lap while her feet were in mine she fell asleep i asked has anyone else noticed how tired guppy seems they said yes i felt her and she felt hot i said holy moly she's hot Pella can u r get the thermometer and a blanket i quickly took her temp she was at 101.2 i the asked ojo if mrs Granada can get a doctor she said yes when the doctor came he said she has a serious case of shark flu i said wild take my phone call lg he did they can over sharkboy and lg took gups from me i asked what the cure was the doctor said we need malaniam seaweed shark boy took some from lgs purse the doctor made some balm and said to keep her in the water and put this balm on her 2 times a day we said ok
Sorry it's short thanks to persoon101  for letting me use Banshee but im working on making a new story bye my lovlies 💖

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