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Fred and George freaked out when I told them, they already knew but they just wanted to confirm about it. By the time we got done talking we had class, I had DADA with Adrian and Draco. I said bye to George and Fred and walked to class, I didn't even care if I was late. I walked in 10 minutes late, I looked at Adrian and smirked.

"Miss. Malfoy why are you late?" snape said with his disgusting voice

" I had to use the bathroom"

" next time go after class"

Did he really think I was going to use the bathroom after class, I mean it was the time of the month so I really couldn't wait that long.

" sorry but what did you just say?"

" I said. Next time go after class" he was clearly annoyed with me already.

" well you can't control the time I have to use the bathroom so I suggest you to shut up"

" sit. Down"

I sat down beside Adrian who started laughing. Snape looked at use mad like usual. ( Snape is a substitute for Lupin).

~ after class~

I picked up my books and walked out into the hallway, I had a free period so I was just going to chill out. I leaned against the wall watching first years getting lost or falling. Finally Adrian came out of the class I looked at him and we both started laughing.

We walked around the school talking about it. Then we stopped and looked at each other, I got closer so him and which he grabbed my waist, we looked at each other for a good 20 seconds then he kissed me passionately so I kissed him back, it felt like fireworks, we didn't care if people saw us we justs enjoyed the moment. He pulled away. We looked at each other again.

" y/n will you have the honor to be my girlfriend"

I looked at him shocked and smiled.

" of course!"

I hugged him, which he picked me up and spun me around hugging me. It was like a dream come true.

My childhood crush ( Adrain Pucey)Where stories live. Discover now