Before You Read

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flakes/notes: i can't believe i have to make this a staying chapter to this fic, but i hope people do read before reading this story.

i do accept critism, i want to write for all kinds of readers regarding their looks. i try to make it as vague as possible, wanting everyone to be able to read. if i slip up, please comment, i will change it! :D i'm sorry for my male readers, i only write for fem at the moment. :(

what i don't want are comments regarding the reader's personality. i don't write for shy readers, you can find a shy reader in almost every other fanfic, but it's not here. please don't make ignorant comments, and message my inbox asking for one.

when i make smut chapters, i'm sorry for this, but it's mostly going to be a femdom reader :/. certain characters, certain ideas, but it will be rare to see a sub reader in this story.

if you don't like pegging, sorry, but you'll see it a lot. i will put a warning for it, but don't continue reading it, and commenting about it if you are not comfortable with it. i do not put a warning on pegging for the nsfw alphabets, since it's mostly nsfw, and that would mean i would have to make warnings with several other kinks and fetishes, it's not needed for that.

thank you for the people who have been supporting me! i am happy most people enjoy reading, i won't stop writing anytime soon!

characters i will absolutely not write for: naoya zenin💀

characters i will absolutely not write for: naoya zenin💀

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