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(A/N: Back from the dead, HELLO!!)

"Oh, Reo. I was following her and things got out of hand I.... Guess.." He got up from on top of me, "she was just confuse where she was that's all. I can take her back to the room until the others get here." The man helps me up from the ground as he nervously chuckles. I snatch my arm away from him, still now more disturbed then ever.

"Where am I?? What's the hell is going on?? Weren't you a dog before??" I sprang out the questions, "and what were you doing with my friend?? What does Murasakibara have to do with this??"

"(Name), please... Just come with me and I can answer anything you--"

"Oh dear. Our guest here knows a little too much already. Now we may never let her go." The short haired male sighs, "oh well. I guess it couldn't be helped. Here, let's get you inside and maybe some tea will calm your nerves."

"What would calm me is an explanation more likely!" I protest. Kiyoshi sighs as he places both hands on your shoulders and bend down to your ear.

"Let's just get inside, okay?" He friendly smiles as he pushes you towards the house, following the butter fly guy. I make an effort to see Kise, to see if he's alright but I couldn't find him anywhere. Now no telling what these guys would have in store for me.

They sat me down on the couch in, what I can make out, is the living room. The red carpet floors with dark designs matching the walls and furniture.

"I'm Mibuchi. But you can go ahead and call me Reo." The black haired male smiles, "and my tall friend over here is Kiyoshi." Kiyoshi smiles along with a small wave. Mibuchi sets down a tea cup of hot tea on the table in front of me.

"We all can shape shift into animals. Kiyoshi here can turns into a dog, like the one you saw earlier." He explains further, "and I can change into butterflies."

"Wow, what an interesting neighborhood I got. My housemates are vampires and my neighbors are shapeshifters. What's new?" I chuckle. I notice Reo and Kiyoshi look at each other with a concerning look when I said that.

"Housemates? You live with them?" Reo ask.

"Well, yeah. I mean, along with my ex too so not an ideal situation but hey." I nervously laugh it off, "it is was it is." Wait, that reminds me about Kise!

"And speaking of which, what happened to Kise? Is he going to be alright?" I ask Mibuchi, "what did you do to him?" Kiyoshi looks at Mibuchi as well, looking to see what his response would be. Reo calmy sips his tea before sitting it down.

"I'm not allowed to speak of that. Sorry dear." He says blunty, "but he's alright. I can say that." I lay back on the couch, looking down at my cup. I couldn't help but feel as if this whole thing is something bad. Like something far worse is going to happen.

"So it's just the two of you here?" I look around the spacious room.

"Oh no. There's five of us here. Just that they are out doing business." Reo smiles, "you know, jobs and such. So these housemates of yours, what are they like?" So they want to learn about the vampires I live with? I mean, if they were normal people, it wouldn't be much of an exciting topic.

"Oh geez, where to even start. Well, Akashi was very different when I first met him, but now he's pretty cool. He's like the leader of the group. And Midorima is very smart but sometimes he can be like the mom. Kise is a real charmer, but Aomine is a real flirt." I laugh as I remember the guys and their unique personalities, "and Kuroko is still mystery to me, but he's very nice, just pops up everywhere from time to time. And Murasakibara always stuffs his face with snacks, he just can't resist!"

Reo and Kiyoshi do nothing but smile and comment on my information. Besides them being a little weird, they are actually good guys. I just don't see why they have Kise and frankly, I can't get that out of my head.

"Say, why can't you guys say hi to them. They're literally next door. I'm sure they won't mind." I suggest. Reo looks to the side at the request, not wanting to answer.

"Well, you see (Name), uh, it's kinda complicated. You see there's a certain line between us that shouldn't be crossed for a reason." Kiyoshi tries to come up with something, "well...Mibuchi, should we tell her all this? I mean, she's already apart of the problem."

"Nonsense. I don't want to upset some people in this house as it is. If she becomes more of a hand full." Reo murmurs to Kiyoshi, "just let it be..."

"No, wait! I won't be a problem, I promise! I just want to know what's going on, that's all!" I exclaim, "if there's anything I can do, I am willing to help! Please!"

"It's nothing darling. Now, you must return to your room so we-"

"Shapeshifters and vampires can't get along. So naturally we hate each other without knowing them." A cold voice chimes into the conversation, "shapeshifters are a breed of vampires, but are rejected by vampires. Can you believe that?" Who was that? I look everywhere in the room, but not a new body in sight. The voice sends a shiver down my spine and goosebumps form on my arms.

Mibuchi and Kiyoshi's eyes widen as they look like they recognize the voice. Soon enough, a silhouette from the opening of the door appears and walks into the room. There, a short black haired man with dirty down eyes and a lowkey joker smile enters, wearing a green suit and black shoes.

"Hanamiya. We didn't know you would be back so soon!" Kiyoshi nervously laughs, "just like you to pop in when you want to." The man rolls his eyes and switches attention to me. His gaze made me all scared on this inside for some reason.

"Those bastards over there are a princess example of that. They think they're too good to be getting along with people like us." He ignores Kiyoshi's comment, "so we have a bit of beef with them, you might say. But I can assure you we will resolve the issue." He walks to me, bending over the couch.

"Hanamiya. Makoto Hanamiya." He introduces himself.

"(Name). Nice to meet you." I smile, at least to not look like I'm on the edge. The whole atmosphere was just like a horror movie when he walked in. And he did it so easily too.

"Where's the other two?" Hanamiya asks Reo.

"They're on their way I think." Reo answers, "we don't have that much time. I'll call Eikichi and tell him to hurry."

"In that case I have to go." I announce, getting up from my seat, "if I stay here any longer, Nijimura might actually worry about me." As I gather my courage and leave, I feel a cold hand grab my lower arm, pressuring me to not go.

I look to see Hanamiya, once calm, now shocked face looking right into my eyes.

"Did you say.... Nijimura...." Hanamiya asks in a lowly voice. Kiyoshi and Reo started to get worried, just as shocked at he was.

"Um, yeah. He's like Akashi's close friend or something like that." I said, "why? Do you know him?" Hanamiya gritted his teeth when he heard the name. Reo rips his hand from mine and escorts me out of the room.

"What happened? Is he okay?" I look up to Reo.

"He'll be alright. Just stay here for the night." He opens a door to the room I was in and gently leads me in, "I'm sure that you're friends will be looking for you. You're dinner will be served soon." Reo closes the door, leaving me in the room once again.

I plop onto the bed with frustration, as I heard a loud voice throughout the house.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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