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There in front of him was the former Insect Pillar, Kocho Shinobu, a smile on her face.

"Moshi Moshi!" She said happily. Though (Y/n) just kept a bored face, which Shinobu didn't like. "Come on don't do that, when you get older you'll get wrinkles." She coaxed. (Y/n) didn't like the smile on her face, it was worse than Rengoku's. "Either way, I'm tired of you being tied up." Shinobu said getting up.

She surprisingly untied the rope from (Y/n)'s legs, though (Y/n) knew better than to move. He knew he was in the heart of the Infinity Fortress, and had no way out.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to run!" Shinobu looked genuinely shocked, (Y/n) knowing he made the right move by nit moving. (Y/n) then spared her a glance, which, again, surprised Shinobu, "Aren't you going to talk?"

(Y/n) shrugged, "I have no interest with speaking to my natural enemy." He answered.

Shinobu felt a vein pop from her forehead, "Before long you won't see it like that." She tried to keep her composure.

"Yeah, something tells me I won't." (Y/n) rebutted, analyzing Shinobu's mannerisms.

"She's a brass person, easily riled up." (Y/n) concluded.

(Y/n) took a deep breath, ready to speak, Shinobu getting excited for him to talk.

"Kocho Shinobu, the fastest Pillar to ever exist in the Taisho Era." (Y/n) recalled, Shinobu somewhat shocked (Y/n) knew of her.

But (Y/n) wasn't done, "Known for her omnipresent smile, often creeping out many within the Corp, but cared for many in her time as a Demon Slayer." (Y/n) shut his eyes in thinking.

Shinobu didn't like where this conversation was going, physically recoiling from (Y/n).

"Once a very brass person, though something changed after Upper Moon Two slaughtered Former Flower Pillar, Kocho Kanae." (Y/n) opened his eyes, his sharp (e/c) eyes seeing that he hit a nerve in her.

Shinobu felt (Y/n)'s gaze drilling into her, she felt like she was being analyzed, like a lab experiment.

"And even though she was once an amazing Pillar, the mighty fell off her pedestal, and has become nothing but a vile, blood thirsty demon." (Y/n) spoke nonchalant, like he hadn't just insulted Shinobu's entire being.

Shinobu had to admit, the male had some guts in him. Despite not having any form of protection on him, he spoke like he had all the power in the world, verbally jabbing at her buttons.

And Shinobu hated it with her entire being, she felt like nothing but a child, being scolded by her parents like she'd taken a cookie from the cookie jar.

Shinobu lost her temper, all of a sudden appearing in front of (Y/n), digging her claws where Giyu had dug his own.

"Have anything else to say?" She snarled, and granted if it was a rhetorical question, (Y/n) still had a response.

"Yes, I see you're Upper Moon 10, which is the weakest of all of you." He smirked, his (e/c) eyes taunting her, "Quiet sad actually, despite becoming a demon, you haven't surpassed any of the others." (Y/n) spoke, confident in his words, raising his hand and grasping Shinobu's wrist. "So I recommend unhanding me." Veins popped from his hand as he forcibly moved Shinobu's hand from his face, "Before you hurt yourself."

Shinobu didn't know what it was, but something in his (e/c) eyes pissed her off beyond anything, like that were taunting her to say something back. His eyes were analytical and sharp, not revealing anything to her. Her wrist was being squeezed by his grip, possibly even breaking it.

Shinobu tore her wrist form (Y/n), (Y/n) smirking in victory. She wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face, though she took a deep breath.

"Saved by the bell." Shinobu forced a smile back on her face, speaking through gritted teeth. (Y/n) didn't bother questioning it, Shinobu vanishing from the room.

"I swear all these people are nut cases." (Y/n) shook his head.

Though again, the room started to fade around him, not missing the design on the shoji doors, purple and pink butterfly design littering the door.

This time, the room was pretty bland, nothing special about it.

There seemed to be no one in the room, though (Y/n) knew better.

"Hello Upper Moon Five." (Y/n) called, knowing they were gazing at him from behind.

"Impressive, wouldn't you agree Yuichiro?" The first one spoke, a smile on his face while the other had a flat out scowl.

"I wouldn't say so, it's pretty basic to sense demons Muichiro." His brother answered, both of them walking in front of (Y/n).

Both their eyes showed "Upper Moon Five" sharing the position among with Demon Moons.

Both twins then spent silent, Muichiro sitting down next to (Y/n).

Yuichiro sat down in front of (Y/n), glaring into (Y/n)'s eyes.

It was like they were challenging him to break the tense silence that had formed around them. (Y/n) made no move to do so, instead opting to challenge them right back.

Muichiro was the one who broke it, "You know, you remind me of someone!" he kept that smile on his face. (Y/n) tore his eyes from the other pair of mint ones, looked at the smiling twin, while he was already staring at (Y/n) creepily.

"Who would that be?" He asked, surprised by how soft his voice came out. (Y/n) looked around, noticed a spreading mist around the room, making him scowl at the demons in the room.

Muichiro didn't seem to notice, instead tilting his head and looking to the ceiling, "Someone way far back." He exaggerated, "He claimed he could withstand torture." He looked at (Y/n), "Just like you are!" He compared (Y/n) and their mysterious person. "Don't you remember brother?" Muichiro looked to Yuichiro.

"So he constantly needs reassurance form his brother." (Y/n) concluded, Yuichiro ignoring Muichiro.

"Tokito Muichiro and Yuichiro, the previous Mist Pillars." (Y/n) started, wondering how many times he'd have to recite what he knew. "Both quite the prodigies for a dainty age of 14." (Y/n) recalled, both of them surprisingly listening closely to (Y/n)'s words. "Except, they abused their power, one without even realizing it, one being, quiet rude to his peers." Muichiro moving to sit next Yuichiro. "Both of them heavily disliked within the Corp, one being seen as an airhead, the other just a jerk." He said bluntly, looking to Muichiro. "And do you constantly need reassurance form your brother? Seems your unable to make firm decisions on your own."

Muichiro's mint eyes seemed to widen for a millisecond, before he just looked down to the ground.

"Don't insult my brother." Yuichiro snapped.

"And you." (Y/n) turned his attention to Yuichiro, "Must you always keep that scowl on your face, I'm concerned your face is stuck like that." (Y/n) rolled his eyes.

Yuichiro's eye twitched, indicating he was pissed.

Yuichiro got up, walking over to (Y/n) and bending down in front of (Y/n), the slits in his eyes narrowed in anger.

"The others and my brother might allow you to insult and berate them." He brought his claw up, dragging it on (Y/n)'s neck, blood getting on the collar of his uniform, "Though I'd recommend figuring out how to hold that snappy tongue of yours." Yuichiro grabbed (Y/n)'s jaw.

"Or you might just find yourself without one."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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