The Lady

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He had come with her, his face buried in her hair, before laying her back into the bed as her eyes blinked heavily. For a moment he thought that she might just fall asleep. Sometimes even She-Wolves passed out after they were marked. It was actually somewhat common.

"Liam." Her voice sounded strange and he pushed himself up on his elbow to look over at her, suddenly worried that something had gone wrong with the marking. He checked her neck and his mark looked absolutely perfect.

Like most Alpha's marks it was larger than a normal pack member's mark because like everything else on his body his mouth and teeth were also larger. The mark was silvery, just like the constellation on her back and even though it had only been ten minutes it now looked like it had been there for months and was entirely healed.

"What is it Princess?" He looked down at her face, with her red hair spread across the pillow, and knew that he had never seen anyone more beautiful in all this life. How on earth was he ever going to get anything done now that she was here with him? He wanted to stay in bed forever with her wrapped up safe and sound in his arms. But of course as Alpha he couldn't very well do that. He had duties.

"I feel funny." She raised both of her hands and ran them through her hair and he noticed that both of her hands were trembling. "My head is starting to hurt really badly all of the sudden." She pressed the heels of her hands against her temples. And I just feel really, really cold. I don't know. And tingly? Is this something that happens after you get marked?"

"I don't think so, Baby." Liam's hand gently cradled her face, his thumb stroking her cheek as he stared down at her, concern evident in his eyes. He looked at the mark again and noticed that it almost looked as if it was glowing faintly on her skin, like moonlight. Pushing her hair out of the way he looked at the mark on her back and saw that it too was glowing, even more brightly than her new mark.

"Just lay back and try to relax, Princess. I'm going to call Dr. Norris right now and see if she can come over and take a look at you. Maybe it's just because you're human and your body is getting used to the mark. It's not all that often humans get marked by wolves so maybe your body is just taking some time adjusting." He said the words but he wasn't sure if he believed them at all. His hands were shaking almost as much as hers were as he dialed the doctor's number, getting up quickly to grab a pair of shorts and pulling them on, before returning to Charlie's side.

"Hey Doc, I think Charlie needs you to stop by and look in on her right now. I just marked her and now her mark is glowing and so is that constellation birthmark on her back and she's shaking pretty hard and says she's freezing cold. Do you want us to meet you at the hospital or? Yeah, we're in my suite at the pack house. Okay no, that sounds good. We'll see in a few." He hung up the phone before leaning forward and kissing his mate on the forehead.

"She says she'll be here in five minutes Charlie. And her dad is coming with her. I don't know if I mentioned him earlier. He's a tough old wolf. He was the doctor when I was a kid. He's nice enough once you get past the gruff exterior. You're in good hands. He tucked the blanket around her body, his eyes focused on her face.

When her back arched and her hands curled into fists he felt his heart clench in his chest. Her body was incredibly rigid, her eyes half closed. His wolf howled in his chest as her pupils moved rapidly from side to side in her head. "Charlie. Baby." He slipped the pillow out from under her head so that she was laying flat and tried to think of anything else he could do to help her. The muscular Alpha had never felt so helpless in all his life.

A small gasp escaped her lips and he grabbed her tightly fisted hand and held on, saying a prayer to the Goddess that whatever was happening to her, she would wake up in the next few moments and this episode would just fade into the past like a bad dream.


Charlie felt pain rack her body and then she was no longer in bed with that handsome Alpha by her side. Glancing around she found herself in the middle of a large church of some sort. Her eyes immediately rose towards the ceiling which had to be nearly two hundred feet tall, with marvelous stained glass shapes decorating a glass ceiling that was so high it nearly took her breath away.

Looking down she found that she was no longer naked, or even wrapped in Liam's sheets. She was wearing a thin, gauzy white gown that fit her body perfectly. Her bruises were gone, and there wasn't a scar on her body, except for her mark. Lifting her hand she found that her hair was bound up in a loose bun, and that there was something metal encircling her head. She tried to tug at it, to get a better look, but she found that it was firmly pinned in place.

She wasn't quite sure how she knew that the building was a church or temple of some kind, but she did. There weren't seats or pews in it. But there was a sort of reverent silence and she knew better than to break it by calling out or even speaking out loud. The floor was smooth marble and there were great pillars that reminded her of trees, although they didn't have branches, that reached all the way up to the ceiling..

In the center of the great silver building, which was still quite far away, there was a pool, and she felt herself drawn to it. And so, since there was no else in sight she began to walk and after five minutes she finally reached the pool and stopped there to gaze down at her own reflection in the perfectly still, clear waters.

In the water she could see that the thing on her head was a diamond circlet and this caused a fit of giggles to escape from between her lips. This was ridiculous. She had to be dreaming.

"I'm glad to see you laughing." A soft voice said from beside her and Charlie turned her head.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I? Does this have something to do with that Alpha marking me?"

"In a way?" Charlie tilted her head, gazing at the beautiful woman who had come to stand beside her. She was familiar in a way, although Charlie was nearly certain that she had never seen her before. She had long shimmering platinum hair that fell to her waist in waves and like Charlie she was wearing a thin white dress, although it was made of the finest fabric that Charlie had ever laid eyes on. The circlet on her head glowed so brightly that Charlie found herself unable to look at it, but at the same time Charlie couldn't stop looking at the lady's face. Her eyes were bright blue, and so very kind, and while Charlie couldn't have even ventured to guess how old she was, she looked quite young.

"His marking you set in motion a series of events that was always destined to unfold. I have been waiting for this moment since the day that I left you on the steps of that orphanage in Los Angeles." The woman's blue eyes were focused intently on Charlie's face as she waited to see how the girl would react.

"You brought me to Saint Anne's?" She asked and suddenly Charlie's hands were trembling again.

"Will you walk with me, in the garden, Charlie? There's so much that I want to tell you and we don't have that much time together, even now." Charlie nodded, a lump rising in her throat.

"As Goddess of the Moon there are not many liberties that I am permitted, as a deity on the Earth. There are many of us and I guess you can say that I am one only a minor deities in this world. It might not make sense to you, especially right now, but every three and thirty years, there is a time that is sacred to me, when I may come to the Earth and walk amidst my people in human form." 

"When the Fae are celebrating me, during Yule, I choose a man who has found favor with me as my consort for ten days and when I leave him I am always with child. Eighteen years ago that child was you."

A/N- I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you did I'd love it if you'd comment and click that little star button to vote for it.

This is Chapter Twelve, but don't worry the entire story will be posted here in the next few days. This entire story is already up on Patreon for anyone who can't wait that long, along with many others under "The Alpha and The Red Head." And for those of you who want more stories, long and short, right this second and who want to read Patreon exclusive short stories, you may also want to check out the link below:

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