Chapter 8

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Later that afternoon Kera sat quietly at the dining table and listened to Cole and Cameron fill Uncle Royan in on everything. Seth stood by the window quietly observing. She caught his eye, but he quickly looked away.

She could tell how nervous and uncomfortable he was around his father. "This is all my fault." Royan suddenly shouted. A stricken look coming to his face. "I should have killed Ronald years earlier from all the horrors I knew he enjoyed inflicting on the innocent." He seethed.

He took a difficult breath then slammed his fist down on the table. "Then when I found out recently what happened with..." Royan angerly stood and shoved his chair into the table. He glanced quickly over at Seth, then stormed from the room. A moment later he marched back in and angerly sat back down, running his hands through his blonde hair.

Kera jumped from her chair and ran over to him and hugged him around his neck. She felt deep shudders go through him and hugged him tighter. Seth's eyes followed her every movement. "Uncle Royan, it is not your fault." She cried.

Seth narrowed his silver eyes then leapt from his spot by the window. He stormed over to his father and ground out the very opposite. "Yes, you are to blame father." Seth shouted between clinched teeth. Royan paled.

Kera looked up at Seth and saw the torment etched on his face. Words froze in her mouth before she could reply to defend her Uncle. "Lass the boy is correct." Royan calmly stated. Placing a hand on her shoulder. "I am to blame for the actions of my past." Kera shook her head. "Nay! Uncle you could not truly know the blackness of Ronald's heart. He deceived you as well with his false character."

Seth was completely amazed. Transfixed that Kera would defend his father. For so many years the hatred he had for his father was absolute. He believed his father wanted to be rid of him and his mother. Had no need of them. They were in his way during the war. He had believed what Ronald had told him that horrible day in the past, moments before he had his men attack him and kill his mother.

Had his father truly been deceived as well? But no, his father was very aware of Ronald's evil nature. Royan turned to Seth, glancing at his anguished face uneasily. "Son we were at war, and many men killed because their leaders told them to. For a while I thought Ronald was just following orders. Soon it became apparent that he enjoyed killing and did so whenever he could find an opportunity."

Seth gaped at him. "I tried talking to him once about his bloodlust. Royan whispered. He thought I was the mad one." Royan spat. "So why did you believe that bastard when he told you anything? Seth screamed out. "I...I suppose I am just as guilty. I believed what he told me too." Seth whispered.

Royan's clinched his fists and began to shake his head. "He told me that you father, were the one that sent him to kill us." Seth snapped out. Royan gasped in horror. He jumped to his feet dislodging Kera. "Why would I ever want to harm my own family?" Royan choaked out. "I can tell by your words, and by the pain I see in your eyes, that my Lara did not survive his attack. Am I correct son?" Royan asked brokenly.

All Seth could do was nod. Everyone at the table turned to Seth. Jaws around the room were open and the room was completely silent. Royan quickly stepped over and grabbed his son and pulled him into a crushing hug and sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry son. For all the pain you have gone through all these years because of Ronald, and because of me."

Seth had wanted to teleport the moment his father started talking to him, but it was like his magic had frozen in his soul. He listened to his father as if in a daze. His father did not want to be rid of him? Ronald had truly lied to him, to them both.

Ronald still drew breath in this world. This man, who had his mother killed and destroyed his life. This same man could now possibly be a danger to them all once again. His father was hugging him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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