:33 > the second part
They all look at him surprised
They tell gamzee to do it since it was his idea and he takes the pillow.
You grab his shirt, pull him and wrap you're legs and arms around him as he falls into you're bed
He gets all wide eyed and mouthes "take the pillow, take the pillow!" To the other guys
They smirked then took the pillow
You fall back to sleep with gamzee in you're arms and the other boys smirking
When you wake up on the morning the boys are gone and gamzee is asleep! In you're arms!
You smile and say "this pillow smells like gamz33" even though you new it was gamzee.
"ThAtS BeCaUsE It Is GaMzEe MoThErFuCkEr." He smirked and you pretend to be surprised.
You tell him to get out of you're hive and he does. But you now have a secret crush on him
This is just great.