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Sunrise was always a beautiful sight to see, the blending colors that keeps shifting to a brighter one as the streets weren't filled with people chattering and roaming around without any noise control which he wished existed more. Kenny sat at the end of the bed, standing up as he began walking towards the window opening it slightly, making a tiny creak which he cringed. Taking a breath of air that was still fresh without any sort of pollution mixing in such as smoke or nasty aromas. The others would judge how their home smelled like just because of it's view on the outside, it's scraped walls and broken windows, peeled paints. It wasn't like that at all.

Home never sounded so quiet, it was unsettling practically living alone under the same roof he's lived in for years. Unsuprised he was alone, his mother haven't returned liked she promised, greeting him early in the morning with cheap breakfast with that wide smile he hasn't seen forever. She'd return tonight again. He stood up as he grabbed his orange parka that was laying beside his dusty bed that wasn't changed in probably his whole life, pushing the door of his room looking around to see no one on the small spaced kitchen. At this point it was normal to see no one greeting him at the beginning of his life.

Walking towards the door, pulling as he went outside the comfort of his home not even bothering to lock it, who would want to rob them honestly? They owned almost nearly nothing of value. As he walked on the sideways he wore his parka it was near winter considering how cold it was, yet it was always cold in southpark. During his time while everyone else was in their highschool life, Kyle always thought him advance lessons while he went home from a more advance education the school had to offer to the ginger due to his smart nature. Kenny wasn't stupid for a fact, and he knew his friends knew that despite staying silent, he just never really tried and maybe that's why he couldn't get a scholarship. Because of how unmotivated he was towards life back then, it's ironic since his sister died and now he was fighting for something so far fetched at this point this should have been his lowest low.

How much more will his pride stay up? Other's wouldn't notice his efforts to try and live the American dream other's want, but do people even notice him at all? He's just another carpet to be stepped on, wiped across the room after further use because Kenny wasn't useful or worth remembering in this life. It was easy for people to let him go, it was easy for people to mourn him for one day before returning to their normal lives in the next. No one would feel sad for McCormick, simply because McCormick never existed or became part of someone else's memories and life. His silence became his downfall no matter how sweet the silence was, it didn't feel sweet knowing no one knew what he was like no matter how close they are. They don't know Kenny, they don't know how painful it was to endure such a tragic life everyday he came home from school back then. How he's forced into labor because of this harsh life of living in a dirty town that barely anyone lived on. He was alone, he wouldn't believe a single reassuring word from other's to tell him he wasn't because he really was and there's no sugarcoating that.

Falling down on the ground, a harsh fall that woke him up to his zombie-like trance. The cold feeling made him curl his arms slightly yet he ignored it and groaned from the pain. ''What the hell man.'' Kyle. ''Sorry I wasn't looking.'' The ginger crouched down slightly as he took out his hand for him, the blonde smiling softly as he grabbed it and stood up, dusting snow off his back and huffing. ''I didn't see you this week what happened?'' Taking his hand off the other and dusting it at the back of his pant, suddenly remembering he skipped a day to learn with the ginger. ''Shit, I got busy at work I needed the overtime.'' Being back on track as he continued walking, Kyle was beside him following him to whatever he was going. ''Everyday is an overtime for you, I told you I'd lend you some of mine.'' Looking at the taller in disbelief as he shook his head, he refused to take the other's well earned money. Kenny knew he needed it but he doesn't want to take advantage of the only friend that actually cared about him. ''I know you won't take it, you don't have to say anything. I'm just worried about you. You're always so burnt.''

Chuckling at the caring nature the other was showing.  Kyle was always selfless even in their youngest years, we never noticed or appreciated it or understood what he was doing until we grew older over the years and everyone even Cartman became more respectful towards Kyle even if he still was a fat son of a bitch. Cartman's morality improved over the years when he finally accepted that he needed therapy  after the incident  towards him and his mom, he finally saw the other side and saw how he doesn't  want to be the man he is now in the near future. Don't  get me wrong he's  still a fat piece of shit with a ongoing blabber  mouth that never leaves his pathetic  genetics yet all of their relationship with Cartman became better and they got along with him much better than before. Stan on the other hand was a complicated subject, it was clear he was struggling  with his father's  ambitions and his girlfriend Wendy. Their relationship as a couple was a mess but Stan still thinks they aren't  falling out while Wendy thinks they are multiple of times if you take track of how many times Wendy broke up with  Stan. Don't  get me wrong she's  a nice girl if you don't  count the bossy attitude and her wild tantrum between people who don't  necessarily  listen to her she's  considerate and caring but sometimes she mostly cares about herself. The clear difference about Stan and Wendy is that Stan is willing to go further and take moves, while Wendy doesn't  try to see the efforts Stan places and would rather care about irrelevant unknown global problems instead of her own boyriend.  The spark was definitely  there before, until they grew older and they both became uninterested with each other. Kenny definitely  encourages Wendy to be delved in her studies but only if she doesn't purposely ignore her boyfriend at times when that's Stan's only chance to be able to spend time with Wendy when she was in a different school. While Kenny was still finding and trying to find his purpose to change in the society he knows today, Kyle changed and hell Eric inspired him to change, Stan was doing his best to change and he was the only one left who was still in the same position yet what could he do? Poor people like him lacks options to turn his life around which is why he either needs to be creative or do the more logical way to turn his life around. Working and dedicating his whole life towards that.

''Ken you there?" Looking up at the other as he nodded slowly, he really must be losing his energy if it causes him to lose focus this much. "Sorry dude. I must really be fucking out it today." The ginger shrugged. "Well you haven't  really been resting so It's  pretty much obvious you're fucking out it today." The blonde groaned as he hitted him on the side of his arm with his elbow, Kyle flinching as he rubbed the soar spot. He hated when Kyle proved his point. They continued walking enjoying the silence, it was a rare sight especially when you expected a small town to be dead silent. "Are you sure you don't want to go to school?" Kyle looked at him with a stern expression, he would be lying if he said he hates school because Kenny hitted the lowest low and education would really do him great to find better placed for him to work instead of that Asian restaurant. "Nah I'll  be fine  without it. Well, I'm  hoping I would be fine without it. Eitherway, if I wanted to I can't  really pay for my education." Kyle pursed his lips, deep in thought "well-". "No." Kyle immediately  became silent before he was back at it again. "You didn't  even hear what I have to say yet dude." Kenny sighed as he saw the small SouthPark highschool up ahead. "I don't  have to know because I already have the gist. Education revolves around money Kyle and the only way you can help me is to support me financially and that's  something I don't  want you to do. Fucking  live your life man! You're only 16 and I don't  want you experiencing jobs and shit unlike those City kids we don't  have to work while in high school because of judgemental oldies that don't  want to employ teenagers. But besides that, you have to focus on yourself man." Kyle smiled slightly because of the unnecessary  remarks he placed yet he stopped and placed his hand on Kenny's shoulder. "You make a point dude but you're  15. Much more younger than I am and here you are forced to work for your....self. Kenny you've  suffered alone for too long and the fact I'm  the one saying this when I told my dad to kill poor people to solve poor people issues when I was 10 tells a lot." Kenny chuckled slightly but he's  never seen Kyle so considerate. "Let me help you. Let us help you. If it makes you feel better when  you finally  graduate just pay me back dude. But honestly seeing you graduate with us is definitely a much better gift to see." Sniffling as he covered his face with his hand while looking away from the other. "Dude are you crying? Holy shit I didn't  mean to be sappy Kenny. Want me to wipe your tears for you too? I don't  have tissues hopefully my jackets enough." Hitting the gingers shoulder with a much better force as he muttered a silent 'fuck you dude.'

Maybe the only thing that changed about Kenny was how emotional he became.

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