Meeting my new bestfriend (not knowing it)

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One night, I was having an amazing dream! Me and My bestfriend Tubbo went to school and realized it was a snow day and the school doors were locked when we tried to walk in, We went to go play in the snow and it was the best thing ever but then right after I got up from the snow.. I woke up with a huge headache. It was also a school day and I had thought I had woke up from my alarm but no.. I woke up to my dream. Its three in the morning and Tubbo is spamming my phone with calls! It was a terrible choice not answering him but I was in a terrible mood and I couldn't stand being on the phone at the moment because of this huge headache. I laid down trying to get rid of this sickening headache that is keeping me up at three am when I have to wake up at seven! To go along with this terrible night, there is dodge ball in PE today. I doze off to the sound of my phone going off with what feels like a million missed calls and texts from Tubbo.


 Starting off with a horrible day it nearly becomes the best! Tubbo runs up to me telling me its no school! I thought to myself for a split second " but why " but I was too excited knowing that there was no school that I couldn't bother asking. I go back to my apartment to put my bookbag and PE stuff away, Also spending a few minutes playing on my phone. Nearly 10 minutes later i get a knock at my door. I open it and its Wilbur ( also the most famous person in my school ). In complete shock that there is a popular jock in front of me that I thought didn't even know my existence nor' knowing my ADDRESS!? I stutter with a quiet "hello..?" he replies quickly to my hello with a slight sad tone with a "Hi, why aren't you and Tubbo at class? It just passed PE!" I don't know how to respond. I just say quietly "oh, Tubbo said there was no school. Must've been a mistake. We will be there soon." he leave without saying goodbye, I considered it normal since he's never said a word to me.


It's lunch, Wilbur sits next to me with the same sad tone and no smile at all. I ask him "what's wrong?" he tells me a very long story about him and the other most popular kid ( Ranboo ) have recently stopped their friendship. I tell him that I am more than welcome to become his friend! I have no problem with being friends with new people anyways. He tells me that's amazing and he's also willing to be my friend. We spend about 2 days together just playing Minecraft. It was so fun and he was happy as well. About 2 weeks go by of our consistent friendship, never leaving eachother's side. I get a call from Tubbo. He tells me that we have plans 4 days ago. I don't even remember this! I feel terrible. I invite Tubbo over to hangout with me and Wilbur but I already have a terrible ache in my stomach that something is gonna go wrong.. Tubbo arrives with his huge grin as always. We say hello and Wilbur doesn't look to happy. We play Minecraft for a bit and Tubbo requests that we go outside! I say sure and Wilbur doesn't say a word. I told Tubbo that we will catch up. Tubbo leaves the room and Wilbur tells me that he will go wherever I go. As terrible as I already feel I agree. We go outside and I see Tubbo talking to Ranboo!? This was not a friendship expected! Me and Wilbur walk outside and Wilbur has a terrible angry face.. I new something was going to happen if Ranboo doesn't leave soon. Tubbo tell Ranboo to leave and he does that quickly. I laugh and look at Wilbur's huge relief face. We laugh it off and go play outside!

HI EVERYONEEE! That's the end of this chapter. I want to say a huge disclaimer just incase, NONE OF THIS IS REAL!! Have a nice day and part two should be out extremely soon!

(739 words)

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