You're Still The One

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Looks like we made it

Look how far we've come, my baby

We mighta took the long way

We knew we'd get there someday

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"

But just look at us holding on

We're still together, still going strong

You're still the one I run to

The one that I belong to

You're still the one I want for life

(You're still the one)

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss goodnight


You know, I'm not really any good at foreshadowing, the whole setting-the-stage to get you ready for what's to come is more of Ally's forte when it comes to storytelling. She knows exactly how to set the perfect level of drama to get you hooked while my strengths lie in hindsight and reflection. We compliment each other well, actually.

But this is about her just as much as it is about me, so I'll take a quick note from her to end our tale. There are lots of stories I could choose to tell, every day with Al is a new adventure. But there's one story in particular I know she would want me to relay before I take my leave. I won't tell you too much (told you I was no good), but I will say this: never forget about the people on the sidelines, guys. They alway matter way more than you think.


"You ready for some payback?" Ally asked me as I pulled my unbuttoned jacket tighter. A wicked grin crossed her face, which was lit up by a winter sun ray peaking through a hole in the clouds.

I laughed. "You're taking far too much pleasure in this, munchkin. Maybe deceit is your true calling."

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you aren't even a little excited! I've been waiting for this basically forever. Or at least five years."

I held up my hands as the doorbell rang, and Al raced inside and across the living room to answer it while I continued passing out plates in our patio out back. I heard her and Niall's voices exchanging pleasantries while I uncorked a bottle of red wine, adding a bit to each of the four cups at the table. A chill ran through my spine, and I decided to throw another log to the fire pit next to me just as the sound of the sliding door pierced the air.

"Hey Ni," I said, standing up straight to face him.

He plopped down across from me on the wooden bench. "Hey dude. Nice day you ordered for us," he said with a laugh, glancing up at the overcast sky. There wasn't supposed to be any rain this afternoon, but the sky was still a dull grey in classic English fashion. I knew none of us really minded, though. We were just happy to be together.

"What can I say? I don't forget any of the details," I replied as Niall took note of the table, suddenly noticing what he had missed upon his first glance.

"Hey, why are there four settings? I thought it was just supposed to be—" he started to ask just as the buzzer rang again. Al ran back inside to answer it, running away from his question.

I chose not to answer, either, he'd find out in a few seconds anyway. "Just remember that I love you like a brother and this was totally and completely Ally's idea and I'm just a man incapable of saying no to her powers of persuasion. Lingerie was involved," I finished as the glass squeaked open again, this time revealing Lizzie and Allison.

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