It Was My Little Family This Time

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( Here Vansh somehow reaches the hospital for sonography. Riddhima waiting for Vansh. And no personal attacker attacking them. Vansh still doesn't want to be a father but attends the sonography so that Riddhima  doesn't be upset. )


I was waiting for him to come. Uff! So much heat. It will be not good for me and my baby. I took a seat near a bench opposite the hospital. Just to be in an open space.

After a few minutes, a car came. I knew whose it was. The man coming out was fully messed. Oh My God! Now what happened to him.

Riddhima: Vansh! Come here.

He looked at me and then relaxed. He came towards me and sat down on the bench. I sat beside him and started buttoning his shirt. I tied his tie properly and cleaned his coat. I gave him water to drink.

Riddhima: What happened? Why were you in this state? You were looking like a total mess.

Vansh: Nothing much. Just I was thinking about something and suddenly a tempo came infront of me. I managed to save myself.

I smacked his arm. He never cares about himself.

Riddhima: What would have happened to me and our baby? You better start caring about yourself or else you'll never see yourself alone outside.

Vansh: Riddhimaaa! Nothing will happen to me, okay? It was just a mere distraction. Now what should we do?

Riddhima: Of course attend our appointment. I never want to neglect our baby's health.

Vansh: Riddhima, are you sure about this?

Riddhima: Never been so sure in my life. And you stop thinking other things in your empty head of yours.

I pulled him towards the hospital. The people were looking at me but do I care? Nah! I looked at the receptionist and she was looking dreamingly at Vansh.

Riddhima: Excuse me, can you please check the appointment of MR. AND MRS. VANSH RAISINGHANIA. Me and MY HUSBAND. We're here to meet the doctor for the sonography of HIS BABY growing inside ME.

I forced a smile. Bitch! How dare she? I looked back at Vansh who was looking at me with a smirk.

Riddhima: You and me, we both know I'll go big in size after two-three months. But I swear if you even look at some lady, I'll never hesitate to handcuff you the rest of your life. Then keep regretting your 'one second of looking at a lady'.

I said with a wink. His expressions changed. From smirking to a slight fear. Well, these are Mrs. Riddhima Vansh RaiSinghania's words. I mean everything I said. She gave me the directions with a slight anger in her tone. Much better!

We had the sonography. I knew he'll melt looking at our baby. His expressions were so precious. And our baby, he was our little bean. So small. The moment I looked at our baby was the moment I knew he deserved every happiness in the world just like his daddy.

We left the hospital. It looked like the receptionist was still angry. I flipped my hair and left. Gosh! The hormones are making me bad. I sat inside the car. Vansh looked at me with some weird emotion and focused on the road again.

Vansh: Do you want to know why I don't want to become a father? It has a big reason.

Riddhima: I really want to know. And may your reason be anything but today what the situation is what really matters. Also today the situation that matters is me being with you whether be it your worst or your best. I'll never leave your side.

Vansh: But let me take our car to somewhere calm place. Or else I'll loose my control.

We became silent. Vansh again was lost in thoughts and didn't see the car coming. I held his hand which was on the gear and indicated him to look forward. He again became alert.

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