So um what are we doing?

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So after the whole USJ event were here in this chapter i guess, well Y/N is doing some shits that involves some good stuff AKA drugs AKA cocaine, what am i doing with my life lets just jump into it i guess *sighs*.

So we see Y/N here in a drug meetup with an undercover agent name Norrison, Y/N is dressed as a shady guy with a hoodie on named John and Norrison here looks like a crooked cop but in actuality he just put on some clothes that was lying around in the floor of his room. now Y/N and Norrison is walking to the meetup and Y/N forgot he's got school in 30 minutes.

Y/N: hey um Norrison.

Norrison: yea kid?.

Y/N: i kinda have school in 30 minutes.

Norrison: oh damn you go to school?, i thought that you worked at a strip club.

Y/N: *stares motherfuckerly* what?.

Norrison: you know what doesn't matter the meetup is gonna take a couple of minutes, so you can chill ok?.

Y/N: ok ok i'll chill, but promise me this'll gonna take a couple of minutes. i don't wanna get in trouble.

Norrison: i promise now lets go.

Y/N and Norrison kept walking to the meetup, they arrived soon after and met the Drug dealers. they were sceptic at first of why is there a cop coming at a drug deal but Norrison convince them that he's dirty and Y/N or should i say "John".

Y/N: (Author can you shut the fuck up I'm tryina do a bust here).

(Hey I'm just narrating here ok don't be all jealous up in this bitch ok honey?).

Y/N: (why the fuck do you sound like a fucking gay person?).

(Hey I'm the Author ok so i can do what ever i want ok sugar.)

Y/N: (ugh what ever dumbass).

Y/N and Norrison then conversate like its a normal drug deal is happening but as normal Y/N here drops his fucking gun. the Drug dealers stare at him.

Y/N: um *chuckles* i can explain.

Drug dealers 1: no need to explain, LIGHT HIM UP!!!!!.

Y/N and Norrison: fuck.

The Drug dealers all pull out they're guns and shooting at Y/N and Norrison, luckily Y/N and Norrison went for cover but unfortunately for Norrison he got hit in his left shoulder.

Norrison: *grunts* fuck I'm hit, nice fucking job kid!.

Y/N: hey it just fell out of my pocket ok, blame it on my pocket not me!.

Norrison: knew I'm gonna regret bringing you to this bust.

Y/N: ok ok I'm sorry can we just kill this sumbitches?.

Norrison: ok ok fine but your gonna pay for my medical bill.


Norrison: just fucking kill them for fuck sake!!.


Y/N and Norrison start shooting at the drug dealers, now there were 5 Drug dealers and they were all at the opposite end of a parking lot. Y/N went ahead and flank one of the Drug dealers and killed him by shooting him in the dick and the head. which is fucking evil to do on Y/N part. who the fuck takes the pleasure to shoot at a mans dick. well after he killed that guy another Drug dealer sneaked up on Y/N and put him on a choke hold but what they didn't know that is Y/N had a knife shoe and fucking stabs the with it in the dick. AGAIN. well after he stabbed the guy in the dick the guy holds his severed dick like its a dildo, Y/N put him out of his misery of no jerking of for his entire life by shooting him in the head and letting him bleed out on the floor. and we snap to Norrison shooting at one of the drug dealers and successfully killing him but another one shot him in the thighs but Norrison got him to, he was about to kill the last guy but he hears a click. he knew he was out of bullets.

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