Chapter 1

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I took a sip out of my apple juice.

Then Arizona sat across from me. "Bet you had a good sleep.." She said. "Well considering i was socked in the face by Maine in training, and had to sleep in titanium billion dollar PJs, yeah, I had a good night." I replied. "Jeez, didn't have to so sarcastic..."

"Never mind... No one can ever joke around with you..." I said.

"Shut up."

I cracked up. Nothing ever made me happy to make her mad.

"Michigan, what did you do?" Alaska sat down next to Arizona.

"I was Just telling the truth."

"Yeah, but when you tell the truth, it always back fire with you guys in a 3 million year argu-""No, she does that, I don't." I interupted.

"You know what, never mind." Alaska got up and walked away. "Women. Right New?" My neon green A.I. Appeared from my helmet witch was set on the floor. "Agreed." He said.

"Nice job Michigan." Hawaii came up right behind we.

"Shut it, oh and, why do you never take off your helmet?" I asked him. I always did, and I'd get the same response.

"Don't need to." He said.

Note: if you need backstory and stuff, read AlaskianFinch's Project Freelancer: Agent Alaska as this is one of the characters in the story.

Project Freelancer: Agent MichiganWhere stories live. Discover now