If I Never Knew You - A Ziam fanfic

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Okay guys, I just thought this would be a good idea, so if you like it let me know and I'll post more (:


Chapter One: Show time

"Grab your mic! You're on in five!" A nearly bald man in a too-tight black shirt yelled and I looked up calmly. Today's the day, Liam. Go out there and speak your mind, nothing can hold you back. Nothing really could hold me back, besides my nerves maybe, but I could ignore those. I stood up and brushed myself off, admiring my hair before turning around and joining the other boys. "Well, Mr.Payne, you decided to show up!" Louis grinned and nudged my shoulder a little bit." I smiled at him, and when he smiled back I knew that he could tell I was pumped. Louis was the only one I told, he was the only one I could tell. I mean, he'd been through the questioning a million times, I figured he'd be able to help. To be honest, I'd figured wrong, because every time I see him I can't help but smile, and Louis can't help but rub it in my face. "Alright everyone, thirty seconds!" The bald man yelled again, and we all took our places on set. The theme song played over the loud speaker and the crowd of mainly older women clapped for us politely. We sat down and she walked out. Oprah. I'd always wanted to meet Oprah, and she's a lot shorter in person. She waved to the audience and smiled at the camera a bit before taking a seat next to Niall. I stared off at one of the women in the audience, who was obviously wearing a wig, for at least a good two minutes when I was nudged and snapped back from la la land. "Mate, she asked you a question." He said, his caramel eyes made my heart stop for a moment, then continue on as usual. "Oh, I'm sorry, could you repeat the question? I got carried away with your lovely audience." I said and smiled. That was by far the worst save I've ever made. And I've made a lot. Oprah, and the audience, laughed and she sat up straight in her chair. "I asked what it feels like to hear about bromances" she air quoted the word and I cringed. "all the time, does it ever get tiring?" I swallowed my stomach and turned to face Zayn. Shit, shit, shit! He was looking at me studiously, probably waiting for me to answer, and my train of thought was completely lost. "Well, um. I think that it's definitely reasonable, I mean I love him. No I love them, like all of them. Well, I mean, it's just-" I scrambled nervously and Louis patted my back. "I think he's trying to say that he understands where it comes from, we're all really close." He said and looked at me knowingly. I thanked him with my eyes and turned back to face her. By the end of the interview my confidence had gone way down. It was the last commercial break and I still hadn't made my move yet. "Welcome back, today I invited the biggest boy band in the world to my house to have a live chat, now before we go..." Her words where lost like a goldfish might be in the ocean, they floated above my head and faded completely. I wasn't even listening any more, all I paid attention to was my heart beating wildly. Thump. Thump. Thump. I could feel it in my ears. I felt adrenaline pumping through my body almost as quickly as my heart was beating, and I could tell she was closing the show. Now or never. Now or never. The words kept repeating in my mind. Now or never. My whole body felt like it was on fire, and with the last surge of adrenaline flowing through my veins I did it. His lips were softer than I thought, and I wanted to melt away into them. The crowd gasped, but I hardly noticed. I just wanted to kiss him. He resisted and after a few seconds he got away. Those few seconds were all I needed, they were all I wanted and I felt completely and thoroughly satisfied. Even Oprah was speechless, and she signaled for the cameras to be shut off. The red lights shut off immediately and the set went quiet. Zayn stood up and stared at me emotionlessly for a split second before standing up and marching off to his dressing room. Harry, Niall, and even Louis sat there staring at me like I'd just performed mouth to mouth CPR on an alien. I mean, maybe the kiss was sloppy, but Zayn is NOT an alien. He's gorgeous. His eyes, his hair, his naturally tanned skin, and his tattoos, mmm. Niall was the first person to say anything, and I wish I could've disappeared. "Liam, you kissed Zayn!" He yelled with his mouth open wider than I'd ever seen it before. Louis shook the look of shock off of his face and glared at Niall. "No shit, Sherlock. All of America saw that." He said sarcastically, and I knew at the time that I shouldn't have, but I laughed anyway. I mentally slapped myself. I just let him run off! That was NOT part of what was supposed to happen. I rushed past everyone on set and backstage and pushed people out of the way. This was the plan: I'd kiss Zayn on set and confess my love for him, and it'd finally be off of my chest. He didn't know, and maybe live television may not have been the place to do it, but it happened. I didn't really think of the after effects, my adrenaline was pumping and I didn't have time to wait. But a shitload of consequences raced through my mind then, and I came to a complete stop right before opening his door. I didn't want to make him mad at me, I just wanted to explain to him. The whole point wasn't to get him to love me, or even like me, it was to confess to him. I put my hand on the knob and opened the door slowly. Before I could say hey, a large basket of something flew right past my face, if I would've been just and inch to the right it would've hit me. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, LIAM?" He yelled and chucked a hairbrush at me. I ducked and my mind started scrambling for something to tell him. God, I'm stupid! I practically ran through this like five seconds ago. "Um, it was just a joke." I choked. WHAT? No, it was not a joke. It was fully intentional! I pinched myself. "Bullshit, I know when you're joking, Liam and that wasn't joking." He spat, and I flinched at his aggression. I swallowed hard and looked at him. If I told him, would it ruin our friendship? Probably. But I couldn't just not explain it to him. "I just wanted to get it off my chest." I said looking at the floor. I was trying to avoid actually telling him that I had feelings for him. I couldn't tell, because I couldn't see him, but I felt like he gasped internally.i was getting nervous, he didn't say anything to me after that and I wanted to know how he felt. "Just go." He said plainly, and it felt like I had just been slapped in the face. "Are you mad at me?" I asked, but he just shoed me away. I left the room only to be greeted by Louis, who, judging by his face, was expecting something. "So what happened?" He asked, and I passed him up. He turned around to walk with me and his face dropped. "Oh." He said. Oh. 'Oh' is right, I didn't know what to think or feel, all I knew was that Zayn's mind was stirring. I could tell his thoughts were stirring, I knew him, but I couldn't tell about what. I heard his door open from a few feet away and all I could see of him was his perfect jawline.

"Liam." He yelled. "Come here."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2012 ⏰

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