~ don't do that again... ~ deku x fem! reader

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warning: this will have suicidal in this one with the reader having suicidal, if you guys have suicidal thoughts call this number 800-273-8255 just know that you not alone there are people that are with you, and all people are different but that's what makes you beautiful and don't let people say mean stuff to you and that just know that I'm here for you !🤗.   

you were friends with bakugou, shoto and momo ( momo is nice in this one ). 

you were with momo shoto and bakugou, talking to each other but then someone grabbed your wrist and dragged you in a room locking the door, you looked and saw deku, kirishima and denki, you got scared and backed away and hit the wall, momo shoto and bakugou were at the door trying to open it while kirishima and denki hitting you in your legs arms and stomach you had blood on your mouth, deku saw and said " ok, you guys can stop and leave ", they both walked out the room leaving you and deku alone in the room, you looked at the floor, deku walked up to you, bent down at your height putting a finger on your chin making you look up at him tears on you e/c eyes, he then laughed and said " you know, you should just die no one will care, in fact everybody would be happy even that crybaby would be happy ( bakugou )." as he looked at you again, you had wide eyes and then thought " what if i did die ?.... " deku then walked out the room a little sad at what he just said, yes he did like you but didn't know how to say it and acted like it, 

you walked out the room running to the roof deku was in the wall as he looked at you running at the rooftop bakugou, momo, shoto ran up and saw you at the end of the roof " Y/N-SAN DON'T JUMP " bakugou said out loud deku ran up and saw you, he was shocked, but you didn't do what they told you to do you then walked at the end and jumped but then felt a hand grab yours, you were shocked, the hand then pulled you up, you then saw deku, he had tears in his eyes.... 

you were shocked he then hugged you, you hugged back you looked at bakugou, shoto and momo saying that if you and deku can get some space they nod and walked away, deku then pulled out and looked at you tears still in your eyes and his eyes too he, the next thing he did made you shocked, he kissed you in the lips, you blushed but kissed back after you guys pulled apart he then hugged you and said " don't do that again, i didn't mean to do that or say that... " " it's ok " you said as you smiled and kissed him...          

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