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~ Monday ~

As i stuffed my home shoes into their respected cubbie, I looked over at all the people surrounding me. Everyone was laughing and joking with each other, some too tired to function and a few trying to get in a late breakfast before following through with school activities. I studied each of them, their bright hair colors and club bands, trying to get an idea of who and how everyone was and acted. I had just transferred here, not used to the bright colors, large school, and unique students. I wasn't used to the uniforms either, scratching at the weird fabric that brushed against my neck.

"Hey! Can i talk to you for a minute?" I jumped as a voice suddenly rang out to me, making me huff. I turned with a raised brow, slowly letting my hand drop by my side. As i looked to see who called out to me, i was met with a very pretty girl with ashy black hair, tied into a tight ponytail. She was pretty average. No club band or rememberable features. She actually looked extremely normal compared to everyone else. Like the girls back home. Normal. "What is it?" I responded, after a moment of studying her face. "You're the new student right?" Before i could respond to the question, her hand shot out to shake mine with a wide smile. I hesitantly took it, shaking it gently. "Yes." I hummed, my hand landing back by my side as everyone around us began to walk away from the locker area. "Hi! I'm Ayano Aishi! What's your name?" I raised a brow.

She seemed friendly... Too friendly. Actually quite annoyingly friendly. And not to mention fake. Just a minute ago, as i studied the students, i saw her with quite the sinister stare... Glaring at a girl with bright orange, long pigtails.

I decided quickly to keep my distance. "I'm-" I grunted in the middle of reintroducing myself. Before i could finish, i felt a shoulder rudely bump into mine. I snapped my neck to see a boy with spikey blonde hair... And a long scar across his face, layering over his eye and down to his jaw. I gazed at him... More like glared at him. So this was the fuckhead who bumped into me. I heard him 'tch' as 4 more identical men followed close behind. "Hey!" I shouted, hearing a small 'You shouldn't do that-' from Ayano. I gripped his shoulder, turning him around... He was so much taller than me.

As he finally acknowledged my existence, he looked at me with fury and anger in his eyes... i thought i was gonna melt. But i was snapped out of my trance as i got a strong push in return. "Whats your deal!?" He growled.

I stumbled a bit, but ultimately held my ground. This jerkwad was gonna pay for pushing me around. "Who do you think you are? Pushing around people like that? What did you think was gonna happen? Did you think i was gonna say sorry and bend over? Fuck off." He looked at me in a bit of shock, but rage shot through him... He was angrier this time. "Shut your trap. It's too early in the morning for this. Just say you regret it and go." He spat.

"I don't regret shit. In fact, why don't you follow your own advice?"

I could feel the boys surrounding us tense. And out of no where, I felt a hand on my shoulder, yanking me back and away from that stupid ass hat. "You're new here aren't you?" I was spun around to be met with someone who looked oddly identical, this time his blonde hair slicked back and a gnarly gash on his left cheek. I smacked his hand away from my shoulder. "Well d-" before i could even finish, his hands landed on my shoulders roughly, pushing me back harder than before. This time i was caught by strong arms. Great. They were bouncing me around like a fucking ball. I looked up to see who had caught me, my face twisting into one of surprise. This time, this boys hair was pushed into a spikey mohawk, though it looked like it didn't quite work out so it pointed into an awkward row of messy hair. A scar ran down his forehead, and a nasty grin was plastered on his face. This one was kinda... Attractive. "They're kinda cute." He mumbled. My face turned a light shade of red as i was once again passed off, this time landing straight into another delinquents strong chest. His firm arms caught me, pressing me against his stomach. I could feel the muscle beneath his shirt. I looked up, my face a deeper shade of red. My e/c eyes looked up to meet blue ones, a mess of blonde hair shadowing his face and a scar crossing over his lips. "Hey, i Think you're right Gaku. They are a cutie." I squeaked, about to retort, until i felt another set of strong hands grip roughly around my abdomen.

-DISCONTINUED- Not Like You To Love So Hard (Delinquents X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now