Chapter 16 Parade

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London, England

1945, March

The three had again gone to London. Though this day was a special day. One of celebration. There were barricades lining the main streets, making one huge lane down the centre. Banners and flags were hung from windows and street posts. Huge murals were painted on walls and trams. The small lanes on the side of the sanctioned off streets were filled with hundreds upon hundreds of people. Everyone cheered, screamed, clapped and yelled as rows upon rows of soldiers marched past. Each one carrying their rifle. Each one smiling. Masha watched form upon Florence's shoulders, being handed a few pieces of popcorn every now and then. She was constantly entertained by the bands that drummed and thundered as they passed, and the tanks that sundered on by with their engines groaning. Even the cavalry men with their beautiful horses and sharp, polished swords of iron. People threw flowers, ribbon, popcorn and whatever else they could at the men. Then everyone looked to the sky as hundreds of planes slid across the sky, just higher than the rooftops. Masha forgot about everything that day, it was just so nice to know that war was over, and that everyone was again safe. A day of happiness and relief. Near the end of the parade two full squadrons of spitfires flew overhead trailing blue, red and white smoke. Cheers went up from absolutely everyone, even Masha.

Still unknown to her though, was Leon's fate across the channel.

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