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Ana, my soulmate, bsf , firstest valentine, aesthetic guru , wise hooman and mom.

I'm not good at this kinda stuff but I'm actually really genuinely seriously touched by your book and I'm making you one even if my mom kills me for being online for waaaaaay too loong

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I'm not good at this kinda stuff but I'm actually really genuinely seriously touched by your book and I'm making you one even if my mom kills me for being online for waaaaaay too loong. AND because this was kinda the same thing I wanted to give you as a gift. (a ten page essay about "Soulmate appreciation")

You are amazing and I love you. You are literally the only person who has listened to my ted talks dskdjskjds and you give such motivational replies that always make my day. Like that day I was so sad and I was just typing away and then when I saw your replies BOOM , no more sad.

Ik we've only known each other for 2 years, BUT I was always meant to meet you. I can feel it in my shriveled up gut. You already know this but I'm VERY shy around people, but last year and whenever I was with you the crackhead energy overpowered  the shyness. 

When I'm with you-

And that only happens with veeeery few people (just you)

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And that only happens with veeeery few people (just you). I'm kinda the "think before I act" kinda people but with you I don't have think . And that is kinda dangerous for both of us sjkdsksdksdjskj. One of us is probably going to be in deeeep trouble because of that, like the milma thing lmaoooo.

Seriously, I am sooooo lucky to have you as my best friend.

"If you live to be 100 years, I hope to live for 100 years minus one day so that I don't have to live a single day without you"

(quote from the internet that read my mind).

Yk that pic we took? with the baby filter? When I look at that, both of us seem like Screw you UwU kinda people. And I'm NOT wrong.

Honestly I can't even imagine how I lived for like 11 years without you. It seems like a cringy quote from the internet but trust me, it's not. I've never had a best friend like you, sure I had friends but none so close. Most of them were the "I'm friends with you because my mom's friends with your mom" kinda friends and they were so FAKE. (believe me kg kids can be as fake as sweet dark chocolate)

A TED TALK COMPILATION FOR MY SMOL BEANWhere stories live. Discover now