chapter 1

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Time passed quicker than Anastasia expected, but that didn't mean that her family had left her alone with a peace of mind. No, her torment only just began, the night they kicked her out of the house and she wandered aimlessly until she made it down the hill. She thanked god that after she made her way into town that the local diner was still open for her to take refuge in.

The waitress at the diner felt pity as soon as she saw her. Well who wouldn't coming in from the pouring rain, eyes and nose red from crying, soaked to the bone, and scratchiness on her face and arms from slipping on the road she deduced.

"Would you like anything to drink and eat?" the waitress asked

"N-O I'm good." she said with the cold racked through her body causing her to shiver. Anastasia sat down in the booth basking in the warmth that the diner provided while she tried to compose herself.

The waitress left her alone for a couple of minutes, checking on orders of the other customers that were in the diner. Her eyes though were focused on the girl with silver white hair that was sitting in the booth. The waitress went inside to the back of the diner where she got changed. Grabbing the clean towel that was just washed off the rack, and a cup of Coco from the kitchen. She made her way back to Anastasia, as she set the things on the table.

"Here you look like you need these things more than Me." the waitress said

"Thank you, but I don't have money with me..." replied Anastasia while she looked at the cup of coco longingly, as she began to dry herself with the towel that was provided.

"Don't worry it's on the house." the waitress said, Anastasia was taken aback by her kindness, but thanked her nonetheless. She sipped the coco as warmth washed over body enjoying every sip of it.

The hours ticked by and one by one the customer's left and the diner emptied. Until only Anastasia and the waitress were left.

"Hey you got to leave we're closing down." the waitress said she looked down on the girl that still had the towel around her shoulders with a pink and blue pastel color bag that sat next to her.

"I know I'll leave." Anastasia got her bag from next to her and stood up to leave. While she was going to the door she quickly turned around and walked back to the waitress.

"Hey I know this quite rushed and without warning, but do you have a job available for a person like me or know a place that does." Anastasia was surprised at the courage she was able to muster to even ask.

"Actually we're looking for a person to hire, but since most people here don't need a job to gain money for this life and the next it's tough finding someone. What I wouldn't give for a life like that, but then again most of them are assholes." the waitress said with a dry sense of humor, while she cleaned the table in front of her.

"Does that mean that I get the job?" said Anastasia hopefully

"Yeah you got the job princess; by the way I'm Joanna." Joanna said "I'll tell you all the details for you tomorrow, and don't be late."

Joanna was taller than Anastasia standing at 5'6. She had a curvaceous body that suited her, lean muscles that framed her body. It looks like she attained it from regular exercise, while her olive skin shone under the bright lights of the diner. It made the scars on her body even more visible, but it only made her more beautiful in Anastasia's eyes, as they were a testament of what she endured. Her curls framed her face until it stopped, about to her shoulders. It was like she had found her polar opposite in looks and personality.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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