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"Due to Corona Pandemic the group officials decided not to give any more loans, we understand that the cash flow has gone down therefore we don't want to pressure anyone to clearing their loans on time" The group chairman addressed the members. Alot of members raised their points on how they needed the money, some explaining new ways of repayment but the chairman proceeded.
"We will be depositing the money to the groups account and once the pandemic slows down we shall continue as usual". After a while the group officials had convinced all the members on the need to deposit the cash at hand. Later after the meeting the chairman handed the cash to the secretary who was acting as the treasurer at the time and asked her to deposit the amount.
"I would like to go and deposit the money right now at an agent can you kindly take me I will asked Vice Secretary to come with us if thats okay with you," I requested the Chairman.
"Of course sec I will take you.' he responded.
"Ken do you wanna go for a ride?" I asked my assistant smiling, I knew that he wouldn't say no to me.
He always wanted to be around me all the group officials new that he had a crush on me, it was written all over his face whenever he talked to me or talked about me. I had the courtesy of riding the Chairmans bike, the ride was short but with my slow pace and all the stories I was narating to my passengers it took us around 20 mins to get to our destination.

The Bank agent was at a small room just around the corner the chairman didn't trust me enough to let me park the bike on my own so he stretched his hands to hold the clutch and the front brakes, helping with my balance as I stepped on the brakes. I took my small purse and rushed inside the building smiling at Ken as if I wanted him to chase after me, he always said that my smile flattered him, this made me smile more often around him which would make him blush. I always enjoyed it.

To my luck i was the only customer at the agent, the small room had another smaller room inside where the shop attendant sat at one corner scrolling his phone, "Hi," I called out so as to draw his attention and notice my presence, and before he responded both the Chairman and my vice were besides me, the chairman was  complaining about the time I had taken. I drew the cash from my purse and gave them each a bunch to count, I then confirmed the amount and handed the cash to shop attendant. " Here" I said to him and waited for him to count. He stated the amount looking at me waiting for me to confirm. "Yes that's it here is the account number." I confirmed handing him the banks card which held the groups account number, after confirmation of the amount I was left alone to wait for the receipt. "Mbona nyi madem huwa hivyo?" The attendant asked, I wasn't sure if he was talking to me, my face had been on my phone as I looked up I realized that he was addressing me simply because there was no one else. " Hatuko the same, some are good wengine bad news just like you guys" I responded. "Apana you ladies are just too much sometimes ata unashangaa what exactly one needs anaitisha fare ya kukam then atakupatia lame excuses on why hatamke" I had no answer to that but it was clear that this guy was hurting and for whatever reason it seemed like he wanted someone to talk to, "Shee kwani humalizi time imesonga sana na kuna curfew," the chairman said. "Hello pin ya equity agent ni gani" the attendant was in a call and second s later there was a decline receipt from the machine. "Sorry I have to do this again" the attendant said this time both the chairman and my vice were standing beside me as if they were guarding me. "It's find tutangoja" I told the attendant. And there was another customer this was a cue for my body guards to walk out the customer was attended to before me, I guessed that this was not one of the places where the rule first come first served was applied with no complain I waited, "Saa zingine unashangaa tu kwani huwa mnataka nini?" He asked, this was a continuation of the topic he had started he looked like he was in his early twenties and I guess he saw me as his age mate or younger than he was that was a mistake that many people made but with my small body size I took no offence.

He requested for my ID number, As I said it to him my mind was on his question and he seemed lost into some girl drama world I felt the urge of listening to him. As I took the customer receipt from him, he handed me the agent one and a pen to sign on it, and as wild as I am I didn't stop to think as I turned the receipt around wrote my number on it  then handed it back to him saying "Never be afraid of sharing your problems especially to a stranger." I spoke too fast and walked out past a customer who was just arriving leaving no space for more conversation between us.

"Was that guy hitting on you?" My assistant asked
"Whaat noo, you know me am always the queen of flattering but ai didn't do that with him he is like what 16." I said to them smiling I knew with that none of them would ask more questions, I had this interest that I wanted to listen to the stranger and offer him my not soo good advice.

"You are not going to  us if you intend to go with the same pace you came with" I will race like a driver, I said to the Chair as I sat on the bike waiting for them to follow, My mind was on the stranger what was up with him? Who hurt him? Did someone stand him up?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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