Chapter 4 - Domestic Bliss

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! A chapter to celebrate the holiday. Hope you all are loving yourselves and treating yourselves like the fucking amazing people ya'll are.

This is another Peter chapter, we'll be getting back to Wade next time.

(Warnings for strangulation and possessive behavior)

Chameleon finally let him get out of bed, but only after a lot of moping and grumbling from Peter and not without drugging him first.

His request to stretch his legs was met with a needle getting pushed into his skin and the cuffs staying firmly planted on his wrists and ankles. When he was woozy and half-conscious from the drug, all Peter could remember after being helped from the bed was leaning against Chameleon to keep himself propped up and then everything became too fuzzy to piece together. He could hardly think straight, much less walk without wobbling like a newborn fawn.

It would've been an ample opportunity to escape if only Chameleon could stop being a douchebag and didn't keep preventing it. He sat Peter on the couch in the living room, a brand similar to, if not identical, to the one in his apartment, and propped him up with couch pillows so he wasn't slumped over the armrest and drooling over the fine material. Vaguely, Peter thought to himself that he didn't like this couch, not at all. It lacked all the gross food stains of the original.

The drug wore off slowly, and when Peter finally became aware of his surroundings, he realized the laugh-track in his head was coming from the TV and not his cruel, innermost thoughts. It was one of the older shows he and Wade watched together, Peter's favorite Sci-Fi, which was a shame because he couldn't enjoy it with Chameleon clattering around in the kitchen and humming along with the theme song.

Peter stayed still, not letting on how lucid he was and took the opportunity to observe. This apartment really was almost identical to the one he had. The same layout, the same wallpaper, the same furniture, the only difference being that this was newer...and cleaner. Most of the furniture looked recently bought, or at the very least well maintained, and the wallpaper was fresh and clean of water stains. It didn't smell the same either, nothing like the gun oil from Wades weapons and the chemicals Peter used to make his webbing, and too much like lemon-shine and Lysol. It was a good copycat, but different in the ways that mattered.

He flexed his hands and twisted his wrists, gauging how tight the handcuffs were. They were advanced alright, probably fresh out of the box. He's seen the specs a few times when rummaging through Avengers Tower to annoy Tony, and only ever saw them in person when they were being slapped on a villain with abilities that granted them Raft treatment. These were handcuffs specifically designed to immobilize people who are stronger or more "advanced" than your average human. Peter didn't know their full extent, or what they could do, but they were thick and sturdy. It would take a lot of strength to break them, maybe more than he had if they were strong enough to contain Rhino. The ones on his ankles were identical.

Careful to keep his breathing slow, Peter tilted his head just a fraction so he could give the room another once-over. If the layout really was like this apartment, then the door should be just outside the hall. He could probably walk now but wouldn't get far without Chameleon noticing. Maybe if he knocked Chameleon down hard enough, he could bunny hop to the door and then fall down the stairs and roll out onto the street yelling for help. Peter refrained a snort. Yeah, that would be his grand master plan.

He did like the idea of knocking out Chameleon though. How hard would he need to hit him without the use of his fists? Chameleon had to have the key on him somewhere, so maybe he could get the cuffs off too.

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