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[14/02/21 | 20/02/21]

„We used to be
f r i e n d s
now we are barely looking at
e a c h  o t h e r."
- growing up

„I hate
our friendship.
If you can still
call it so.
It's exhausting.
It's frustrating.
It's heartbreaking.
I can't
I wish I could.
I still love you,
I still wanna be with you.
But how can I
when you
don't wanna be
with me.
h o w c a n I ?"
- you again.

I am not
supposed to be.
Not supposed to be
in a relationship.
Not supposed to be
completely happy.
Not supposed to
to have a best friend."
- schicksal


yellow thoughts.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt