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Fuck. That Was the only thing running through my mind as I walked through my broken in studio. I had to call and cancel my cards replace all my things , they took so many things but anything can be replaced. I'm just so glad they didn't take my dog. "Grab some clothes and any other things you might need for the next few days" David said.DAYS??? I thought to myself. Fuck New York sucked. I can't believe this was happening to me maybe I should've stayed with my step mom. I rummaged through my closet and managed to grab a few sets of clothes for the day and night, some toiletries, important documents that they luckily didn't find, and my extra credit/debit cards. "Um David ? Can I take Chicho with me" I looked at him waiting for an answer, his attention was glued to his phone, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, so I just stood there waiting for an answer. "Yeah of course I have a dog myself" he told me. "Chicho is friendly I promise he won't cause problems, and I'm ready all these other things will most likely be here the next few days if they didn't want them now they won't want them later." He only nodded and grabbed my suitcase from my hand."let's go. "We made our way down to the car, Chicho on his leash seeming to be excited to be out so late. David opened the door for me letting me in and shutting it for me. He's such a gentleman I thought to myself. He made his way around the car answering a phone call, I couldn't hear him but he seemed frustrated. I hope it wasn't me making him feel that way. He ended the phone call as he stepped inside the vehicle, turning it on rather quickly, making us exit the parking garage. "Thank you for taking me in, I could've stayed at a motel or something." "You'll be safer with me" was his response. And I believed him. It was weird how much I trusted this man only knowing him a couple of days. I didn't know him at all. Only that he saved my life. The rest of the drive was driven in silence only noise being that background music David was playing very lowly and my dog breathing. We drove for about an hour until we reached a huge building. He helped me with my things leaving me to only walk Chicho up. We approached the elevators David pressing the number 12 we made our way up. Once the doors opened we walked down a hallway, I could hear music. He stopped in front of a door and grunted." Youre fucking kidding me" he said to himself annoyed. He burst through the door a couple of people laid on the couch some stood in the kitchen drinking and others stood around smoking, everyone's head turned to us. "Aye David!" A guy said coming closer to dap him up, David only shrugged him off, "what the hell did I say on the phone" he asked I could tell he was upset. "Cmon dude we do this every other weekend we don't mind guests, his friend looked over at me. "Get everyone" He walked past him signaling me to follow him. "David are you reaaalyyy Gona make us leave?" A girl on the couch said as she looked at him with puppy dog eyes. He walked over to her "give me the key" he reach his hand out to her seeming unfazed. She looked at him and chuckled "what are you talking about?" "They key Krystal, give it or I'll call you brother up here" she looked up at him annoyed reaching in her bra handing him a key. David examined it making sure it was indeed his key. "Now get the fuck out" he stated. She stood up "so you get a new bitch and act brand new?" She yelled across the room. David froze and turned his head to speak but I beat him to it, "what the fuck did you just say?" I asked she only looked at David, everyone was watching us now. "I'm talking to you are you deaf now bitch?" She internally rolled her eyes and huffed as she looked at me, "what you mad that David got tired of you is that what it is?" Everyone in the room ooud like teenagers, "who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" She took a step closer, Chicho immediately began to growl at her. "Shit I don't see much so you tell me all I see is a desperate bitch crying cause she's being told no" I said,  that's when David stepped in front of me , "out. Now." He sternly told krystal. "Everyone!" They all immediately gathered their things saying "talk to you later, and catch you later." Krystal grabbed her bag and made her way out the door not saying another word. I heard him chuckle causing me to turn and look at him "what?" I questioned, "nothing I guess it just took another girl to get her off my back." "Let me guess she likes you but you don't like her?" He shook his head no "we did some things a couple months back and now she thinks she's got a trance on me or sum shít" I laughed. "I hate girls sometimes" "dont worry about her though, she's all Bark and no bite"he said. "She doesn't scare me, I've been through worse" he looked at me almost as if he was waiting for me to continue, "I mean I did almost get sold not to long ago.. and I've been in a few fights before with bitches who actually scared me" I chuckled at the memory. "You don't look like the type that's all" he motioned me over to a room I was assuming was his, "you can take the bed I'll sleep on the couch" I instantly felt bad, "no it's alright I can take the couch, you've done plenty for me tonight, please just sleep in your room" I insisted. "S'all (it's all) right I don't mind the couch, I figured you'd want some privacy" he walked over to another door letting a Rottweiler out, Chicho immediately perked up. They became friends right off the bat so I decided it would be okay to let him loose in the apartment. "Make yourself at home, don't be shy to grab something if you're hungry, I'm actually starving do you want anything to eat ?" He asked. It was 2 in the morning I hadn't ate since I had left for work "yes pls, I'm not picky I'm fine with anything" I replied. He opened the fridge and started taking things out, "I'll surprise you, you wana shower or anything you can, bathrooms right through there" he pointed with his head. "Yeah I'll do that thanks" I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom, I showered put my hair in a bun washed my face, moisturized and brushed my teeth even though I was about to eat, I'll just brush them again after I thought to myself. I cleaned up my things and made my way out of the bathroom, David was setting down my plate at the bar he had setting his right next to mine, "it smells so good" I mentioned "thanks, I hope you like it, I use to cook all the time, what do you want to drink ? I got water, coke, uh apple juice, wine? I got some beers too uh-" I cut him off , "actually with the night I had I could use some wine" I said. He nodded and handed me a glass "you don't seem like a wine type of guy" I said as I took a sip, "looks are deceiving I guess" he said as he took a bite into his food. I did the same and couldn't help but praise how good his food was. I was either super hungry or his cooking was actually amazing. We stayed up a couple of more hours unintentionally, we both drank more wine than we should've and I found myself opening up to him, and him to me. It felt nice, it almost made me forget about the horrible day I had. We were sitting on the couch talking when I realized it was 5:26 in the morning, "damn it's so late, I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep you up so late you must have a busy day tomorrow", he shook his head no "nah it's no big deal, I don't have much to do tomorrow , how bout I take ya on that tour we talked about the first day we met?" I nodded in agreement and thanked him for the food once again before making my way to his room , I left the door opened in case he needed to use the bathroom, I laid my head on his pillow and noticed exactly how tired I was. That was until I saw David from across the room I could perfectly see  into the living room as he took his shirt off and my breath caught itself in my chest, he was drenched in tattoos, his back to me he looked extremely sexy I couldn't help but stare. I felt myself begin to blush as I realized I was staring so I quickly turned to my side before he caught me staring and I drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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