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8:00.... Finn and I are having a sleepover. Our parents said as long as we leave the door open we can have a sleepover. Which in my opinion is such bullshit, when they where teens they would be pissed if they couldn't have alone time with their boyfriend or girlfriends. Anyway, I wake up with an arm wrapped around my waist. I look up too see Finnie. My stomach growls and i try getting up but... the arm around my waist pulls me back "no" Finn says In a tired baby voice "mine" "babyyyy I have to peeeeee" I reply "no, get a diaper." Finn replies simply with a small smirk on his face "cuddddddles" he says. The thing about Finn is he is a clingy mother fucker, literally one time I was in the bathroom for not even five minutes and he was writing notes and shoving them under the crack of the door. Finn is like a.... like a disease in the sense once you catch him, you can't not catch him (if you get this reference I love you)

"Stayyyy please baby" Finn says more of a command than a question "fine, baby but only for five minutes, ok?" I give in "fifteen?" he says "ten." I compromise "deal." He says with a smile. Finn is of course a little baby so he of course is the little spoon, he puts his head on my chest and his arms around my stomach, and hugs me to death.

The end... jkjkjkjk, I didn't die. But I almost did.

Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now