The Kid Isn't Alright

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"Nicole, go get Jax." Clay says, looking at the security cameras of Gemma's car flying into the lot. I nod, jogging through the hallways to Jackson's room, the door shut tight. I use the key he gave me to open it, seeing Jax and some girl laying naked on his bed. "Your moms here, seems urgent." I say, leaning against the door frame as he stands, getting ready.

The girl looks at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Jax, do you have to leave, baby? We were having fun." She pouts, pulling the sheet up to cover her breasts. I roll my eyes, walking over to the desk, pulling his bike keys out of the drawer. The blond guy just grunts, sliding his jacket over his white tee as he kicks his feet into his sneakers.

"Sorry sweet cheeks, but you gotta go." He says to the girl, her expression changing from lust to annoyance. She doesn't say anything as she gets dressed and storms out of the room, stomping her feet against the hard wood. "What did she say that made it so urgent? All I did was ask her to check on Wendy.. shit."

He takes off as soon as he realizes what could have gone wrong by leaving his drug addict pregnant ex wife alone. I follow him out of the house, his feet moving quickly against the ground, his shoes not even fully on. I try to keep up in my heels, watching the ground for any rocks that could force me to fall.

We make it to Gemma outside the clubhouse, her mouth pursed in a tight line. "We have to go to the hospital, she got crank somehow." Jax doesn't respond, he just runs off to his bike, shoving the key in the ignition before racing off to the hospital. "You, come with me." Gem says, pointing at me with a serious look on her face.

I nod and she tosses me the keys, knowing I can maneuver through traffic easy. I pull out of the lot quickly, locating Jax at the end of the street. I catch up, rolling down the widows on my side to talk to him. "Don't think too hard about this, it will be okay." I say, speeding off into the lovely traffic of Charming.

"There was so much damn blood coming from her, I couldn't get in either. Stupid junkie whore." Gemma spits, clenching her teeth. I sigh, not enjoying the words used against Wendy. When Jax and Wendy first got together, we instantly clicked. Wendy is a great person in my opinion, I love her, she just lets her addiction get the best of her and it's her downfall.

I sigh, banking a right from the left lane, cars honking loudly at my driving. The caddy bounces over the speed bumps as I find a spot in the front to park, pulling Gemma's Handicapped sign out from her heart condition. "She is never going to forgive herself for this, don't make it any worse for Jax." I say, watching him pull up.

We go into the hospital that I know so well, jogging quickly to the maternity ward. The less than pleased lady at the front door looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "Where is Wendy Case?" I ask, looking at Jax who is panicking, slamming his fist against the wall.

"I can't give out patient personnel without knowing who you are and -"

Gemma cuts her off. "I don't give a shit what you need. She got rushed in with my grandson in her stomach. Now, where the hell is she?" The woman quickly tells us the room number, our feet nervously carrying us there. The door is open with two doctors standing outside, talking at comparing papers.

"You must be Jackson Teller." The taller doctor says, sighing at the sight of us. "Your wife is stable, she did have to give birth to your son when she got here. Our finest surgeon is going to explain what is happening with you son. She is lucky to be alive, someone with that much blood loss usually dies, especially when carrying a child."

The dark haired beauty that caused issues in my life ten years ago walks out of the operating prep room, my fist clenching. "He has a heart issue, most likely genetic. He has a tear in his abdomen as well, due to being premature and Wendy's use. We found track marks on her feet and hands." Tara says, looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"What are his chances looking like, Doc?" Jax asks, rubbing his face. Gemma places her arm around my shoulders, her head leaning on me. Tara sighs, looking at the multiple charts in her hands as if she is trying to figure out a nice way to put it. The cold truth sets in that the kid will probably be one of those 'Born addicted' ones.

I watch as she opens then closes her mouth, afraid to hurt Jax any more than she did ten years ago. "I'd say he has a 20% chance of getting out of here, on a good day." I watch my best friends face fall, my heart breaking for him just by looking at him. He doesn't say anything, but reaches out for me to comfort him.

I hug him, wrapping my hands around his back, rubbing lightly. "Jackson Teller, you look at me right now." I pull his face up, locking eyes. "Teller men put up a damn good fight, and he wont be any different. He has your genes, he has the ability to pull through this." I coo, a smile crossing Gemmas face at my words.

"His name is Abel." Jax says, storming out of the room with a furrowed brow and a scowl. I watch Gem take her phone out, calling Clay to tell him to get some guys to stay on Jax's tail. I look into the room Wendy is sleeping in, my heart already hurting for her for when she wakes up and realizes what shes done to her son.

I look at the brunette doctor, biting my lip harshly. "When will Wendy wake up? What's going to happen to her, you know, like legally and all?" I ask painfully, her face looking so peaceful when she sleeps. Tara just shrugs, looking back at her charts to read some information about the mother of her patient.

"Well, she will wake up soon. We gave her a sedative to calm her heart beat and slow the bleeding. And legally, I'm not sure. But, I do know that the police will have to be notified and that she will likely be charged with fetal abuse and be put in treatment for a while. If Jax signs off of it, Wendy will never see her child again." Tara says, not entirely looking compassionate.

Gem looks at us, then walks to the door of Wendy's room. "Look, I don't care what happened between us when we were teenagers. That's the past and it's done with. Take care of Abel, and don't let Gemma near Wendy whatever the reason is. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I snap, my eyebrow raising.

Tara nods at my question. "Are you threatening me, Nicole?" She asks sharply, her lips pursing tightly as if she thinks it scares me. I shake my head, smiling sweetly at her while my eyebrow cocks. My eyes wander from her to the black haired woman I call mom, who is staring longingly at the near lifeless body in the bed.

I shake my head, grinning. "No, but I can if you want. I'm just warning you in case if you didn't want to deal with Gemma stalking you until Abel is out of the hospital." We both look at Gem, knowing very well her negative feelings towards the doctor. "Also, I care about Wendy and I don't want to see her dead by the hands of my mother."

"Gemma isn't you mother." Tara snaps, causing Gemma to turn on her heel. We both watch as her heels click loudly against the shiny white tile of the hospital floor until she reaches us. Her eyes narrow at Tara, the doctor visibly nervous while she swallows quickly.

"I will kill you next time you say something like that." Gemma says in a monotone, grabbing my arm before pulling me along with her.

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