After somehow managing to get all six of them back to the tower, they finally started to wake.

"Hmm, hmm?" Tony hummed questioningly. "What happe- AAAAHHHHHH!"

He glanced at the others and screamed out loud.

"We're flipping teenagers!" Nat shouted out to no-one in particular.

"YES!" Clint punched the air in joy, happy to be able to relive his teenage years.

Steve and Bruce were wearing confused frowns, but Thor just looked surprised.

"Oh my Odin's beard! Man of iron, Lady of spiders, Man of arrows, Man of green and Man of America, you all look younger! What is this sorcery?" Thor muttered the last part to himself as a side note.

Thor was still very tall and muscular for his age, with accompanying long blonde hair.

Steve still had the Super Soldier Serum inside him, so he was no longer the skinny little kid that he was in his original teenage years.

Bruce's hair had darkened by a slight shade, as if he hadn't spent much time out in the sun.

Clint's hair had, however, lightened, and his eyes still held their mischievous glint.

Tony no longer had his beard, but his hair was the same, if not a tad messier. He was still a little bit small for his age.

Nat's hair had, for some reason, grown down to her elbows; perhaps that was how long it was when she was actually 14.

Suddenly, Fury walked in, with Coulson and Maria at his heels.

"It appears that you have inhaled something that has caused you to- to- to de-age, if that is how you can put it." Fury spoke calmly.

"Without anything or anyone else going back in time," Coulson added.

Maria was smirking; the situation was quite funny.

"We have decided that you shall go to school, as the law requires those of a certain age to attend." Fury tried and failed to hold back his grin. "You shall go to Midtown High School of Science and Technology."

Everyone groaned simultaneously.

"Fine." Tony muttered, not looking happy at all.

"You're beginning tomorrow, we have already enrolled you. As you cannot go by your original names, you must go as someone else. We have decided on names for you by using a name generator." Coulson spoke as if he had rehearsed this to sound good in front of Captain America, though he looked slightly disappointed that he was no longer his original age.

Maria read off a small card:
"Bruce, you are Mark Ruffalo; Tony, you are Robert Downey Jr; Steve, you are Chris Evans; Thor, you are Chris Hemsworth; Clint, you are Jeremy Renner; and Natasha, you are Scarlett Johansson."

(A.n. hehe fourth wall broken, with an almighty smash)

"Man of America! We share the same name!" Thor shouted, high fiving a reluctant Steve.

"Oh and Thor, you need to lower your volume and speak normal English. This means calling humans, humans, not mortals. And many more, so many that I can't count on my fingers." Fury spoke with sarcasm laced in his voice.

"Of course, mortal! Er, I mean, human!" Thor boomed, not quite grasping the point.

Fury walked out of the room in defeat.

"Well, you need to go to bed now, you have school tomorrow! Yes, that's right. Your bedtime is 9 O'clock." Maria smirked, exiting the room.

Coulson followed Maria out of the room, not before bowing his head slightly to Steve. Or should I say, Chris E.

Why hello there! Two updates in 2 hours? Meh. Welp they're all gonna be longer than this, I just wanted to get this part out of the way. Thank Loki it's half term!

Have a nice night/morning/day/afternoon/evening!

- 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕟𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝!
ᴀᴋᴀ Gʀʏғғɪɴᴅᴏʀᴋ 𝔁𝔁

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