Regretful day.

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Words ; 1,979

"Success only comes to those who dare to attempt."

Trigger warnings ;
Detailed Murder and gore.

Read at your own risk I guess.

Main character

Bee'flight ; A medium furred, creamy brown tabby tom with darker stripes and sandy socks that end in tan toes. Dark brown ears and tan inners, along with a tan muzzle and has tan leading all the way to his tail where it ends abruptly. Also has an abruptly stopping stripe in the middle of his back ; Gentle and warm Amber eyes.

Anything in / and \ are the thoughts of the character


The wind seemed to be nonexistent at the moment, hopefully announcing that it would stay calm for the whole day; he hadn't been on the farm with his his mate, Doggo for all that long. He had ran away from his family, his clan, everything he ever knew, just to be with a tom he had barely known. He shook his head and sighed, watching the sun rise in the distance, Amber hues occasionally flickering with emotion and regret. He had tried going back to Rose'clan once but he was too nervous to stay long, only saying hello to a very young cat, in an awkward way of course.

\Should I go back again? Do I belong in a clan, with my family? Would Pine get mad if I just showed up and said that I shouldn't have left, that I want to belong to Roseclan once more?/ His thoughts were seemingly swirling in his mind at the speed of a sprinting monster on a thunderpath. He truly missed his clan and surprisingly all the tasks and chores that a cat was required to be responsible for each day. He sighed deeply and stood up, stretching his limbs out expertly and padding out of the barn to hunt for something other than a mouse, he was getting tired of the small rodents.

He found a decent hunting spot and flared his nostrils up to find a scent of prey other than mice, he eventually caught the scent of a rabbit. The smell tantalized his nose and made his stomach growl in slight hunger. He dropped into a well-trained hunting crouch and slowly moved towards the scent, it was relatively close to the male's surprise. After a few quiet moments he had made it close enough to pounce on the well-plumped rabbit, it would serve well as an early morning meal. The creamy brown tom wiggled his rear and pounced quickly and skillfully on his prey, barely giving it time to fight back as he tumbled it to the ground and bit it's throat, holding it there until it died.

He let go of the rabbit and picked it back up in a more comfortable position in his maws, carefully carrying it back to the barn to enjoy it peacefully, while he was eating he often had more time to think before he found a way to keep himself busy the whole day. \I hope I can decide if I want to go back to the clan or not today, so that this nagging feeling will go away. Do I truly belong here, on this farm with Doggo? Do I even still like him?/ He finally lugged the rabbit corpse into the barn and into a quiet and shaded place to peacefully eat his well earned meal. He settled himself down after setting the prey down and quietly bit into it, the rabbit tasted more succulent than usual, perhaps it was because he had only eaten mice for the past almost two moons now.

/Should I stay or should I go? Will they be happy or will they be mad? This is harder than I thought it would be./ He muttered something to himself before taking a few deep breathes and taking another bite out of the rabbit in front of him. He fell back into his train of thought once more \I will go back, I will stop worrying about how Pine will or won't react, I miss the clan/ He nodded quietly to himself and quickly finished his meal. He washed his muzzle free from blood and lightly pushed the remains into a corner of the barn where there was a small hole to the outside, he pushed the remains through and padded away. Doggo would be awake soon, he slept with the twolegs in their den, once he was here that's when Bee'flight would explain what he had decided to do.

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