Part 1: The Dream/Meeting Creator-Sama

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(The picture doesn't have anything to do with this chapter, I just like it. Besides- Soma looks adorable!🥺😍)


You're watching 'Black Butler' on your phone. You had just finished the last episode of 'Book of the Atlantic' when you checked your watch. 10:33 P.M. Time for bed. Not bothering to take off your clothes or shoes, you curl up on top of the sheets and slip into dreamland.

Blank, flat, white landscape surrounded you. You looked around and saw a form. Seeing no other option, you ran toward it. You slow down in front of the sorry humanoid called your author.


You say accusingly.


Your creator looks up at you for a moment with her hands in her pockets. She looked a bit confused. CS was a bisexual, coffee addicted, exhausted mother figure to her creations. You had been her favorite because she made you with a shard of her own soul. She blinked.

"Why are you here?"

She asked.

"You stole my thunder."

She looked, once again, confused.

"Maybe something happened to your universe..."

She mumbled. CS pulled out her moon rod. CS's moon rod, could be used in dark, and neutral based universes and her sun rod  could be used in light or neutral based universes. The antivoid was a neutral  place stuffed in between all universes. Uncoincidentally, this is where they can be accessed all at once. It was hard to tell against the background, but bright white swirls surrounded the moon on the tip of the rod. Glowing white 2D squares appear in front of her. She moves her hand in a swiping motion. After a while of searching the AUs she grimaces.

"It seems as if the fail-safe spell I put on you has been used for the first time."


"You see-' she turns back to you "I didn't want my favorite creation to die if something happened to his/her universe. Your universe is one of my oldest creations. The magic holding it together is beginning to fade away over time. The spell over you sensed that and brought you here to save you. It'll take a while to fix it. In the meantime I have to keep it stable. You can't stay here Y/N. If you do, you'll go insane with loneliness. Humans aren't meant to be alone in the quiet with literally nothing to do for as long as it'll take me to fix your universe."

"English please."

"You will be sent to a new universe while I fix yours."


Creator-Sama pulled out her sun rod and pointed both rods at you.

"Are you ready Y/N-Chan?"

"For what?"

You didn't have time to react as a bolt of silver lightning struck you in the chest.

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