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The crowd went crazy after Elvis ended "Let's Have a Party." He stood there on the stage that was set up for the reception in the back garden of the Graceland Manson property, and people were at the foot of it, reaching out their hands, those people being a lot of my extended family. There were a lot of girls in the bunch, yet he only looked at me.

"Thank you very much, everyone," he said into the microphone. "Now, I would like to play a song for the bride and groom. If they could step out onto the dancefloor, please."

Momma and her brand new husband walked on out, Momma in a lacy wedding gown. I had never seen her so happy and so beautiful. Jeremy wrapped his arms around her, grinning from ear to ear as they took their stance. Their romance was immediate, since they basically left off from when they were both nineteen. It was only two months after they reunited that he proposed to her, and a year later, they tied the knot. I couldn't be more happy for them, and Elvis couldn't be more tickled that his manager married his housekeeper.

Elvis started on his guitar, a sweet melody that he played and sang to me on more than one occasion since he had been practicing it for his next movie that would take place in Hawaii. His background singers and accompaniment started with him as well...

His gaze stayed on me for the whole of the song, but I kept my own gaze on my newlywed mother and new stepfather. The song stopped and the happy couple shared a sweet kiss. I put a hand to my heart, over my white lace dress. Momma didn't really have a wedding color, she wanted everything lace.

I wiped a tear away. I had been crying of happiness a lot lately. First it was Elvis getting an amazing manager, then finding out my Momma was getting married, and then finding out that I got into the Manhattan School of Music. I was on a short leave after my first semester. I needed to be at my Momma's wedding, being her maid of honor.

"Now, everyone," Elvis announced, "I would like to sing another song, a song that you all know from my very first movie Love Me Tender. The song is the namesake of the movie." Everyone cheered. "And I want to sing it for a special someone. While I sing, how 'bout y'all think of that special someone, too, huh?"

Couples started coming onto the dancefloor, including Allison and that drummer she was so crazy about. It turned out he was single and had his eyes on her the whole of that DC concert. They met when she went back into the hotel after leaving Elvis and I in that garden. They were pretty serious - she was so love-struck for that brunette who was ten years older than her, and he was the same for her.

Elvis started singing, and as he started singing, he came off the stage with his guitar, walked through the slow-dancing couples and came up to me as I stood on the edge of the dancefloor. He serenaded me...

He finished the song and he handed his guitar to the man standing next to me, who happened to be Vernon.

"Megan," Elvis began, and he took my left hand. His gaze glued to mine. "I have my music and my actin', but it's all nothin' without havin' someone I love by my side. You have made my life complete, and I love you so much."

More happy tears came to my eyes as everyone in the hundred-person party, including media crews, witnessed this. I knew what he was doing. "I love you so much, too. I will always love you."

"Well, that's great. I was just thinkin'..." He knelt down on one knee and everyone went crazy, but my eyes and focus were only on him. "Maybe we can make a lifetime out of it." He looked around him. "Waddya say, folks? Should we do it?"

They all screamed and cheered, including Momma, her new husband, and Vernon. More tears spilled from my eyes. I said, "I don't need their encouragement to say yes."

He grinned and stood up and I jumped into his arms. He twirled me around as everyone cheered and pictures were taken, and a news camera was in the mix as well. They all captured this wonderful moment of Elvis Presley proposing to his housekeeper's daughter.


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