Planning at the Café

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A few days after Felix was released, we decided to take our breakfast at a café near us. I hope that no one knows us here. The weather is rainy, yet a perfect weather for a moody morning. (A/N: Idk what month it is inside the story dammit)

We sat at a table near the glass window. The scent of coffee passes through my nostrils. It's relaxing. The warm atmosphere here really makes me comfortable. Felix prefers beer though. I don't even know what to eat. Maybe a doughnut or a pretzel? Hmm, so many choices.

I glanced at Felix and caught him staring at me, he smirked when I realized.

"Don't mind me, I'm just enjoying my view." He jokingly said.

"Are you kidding me, Kjellberg?"

"No, I am really enjoying my view. Watching you drowning to your deep thoughts and randomly squealing. Are you thinking of me?" His smirk grew wider.

"N-no!" I stuttered. Why am I stuttering? It's true that I'm not thinking of him. Why am I nervous? DID I SQUEAL?

"Oh really.." He rolled his eyes, keeping his smirk. "Can you explain your red cheeks?"

"I-I..." I looked down, thinking of what to say. "Y-you're embarrassing me!" I whispered. My palms are so sweaty right now.

I cleared my throat and looked at him sternly. He noticed my sudden shift of mood and he straighten himself up. I relaxed a bit and leaned at the table, my arms resting on it.

"So Felix..." I started.


"Do you think if we reveal his secret to him... He'll kill us? I mean, he ALMOST killed you.... Jon's getting a lil' possessive lately... He doesn't want me near boys."

"That.. was unexpected."

"I guess first impressions don't last, eh?" He added.

"They do actually last. If you're not around he's sweet as f-k. You show up and the world crumbles."

"Well that makes sense. What does he want from me?"

"Me, of course."

"Lol, like I would steal you from him."

Ouch. That.. really hurts. Why....

Why am I affected? Oh yeah, I have feelings for Felix. Probably he doesn't have feelings for me anymore like before. I hate that I didn't give back the love I received from him. I really regret it.

"Hey, (Y/N), your jaw is.... hanging."

I snapped out. "Oh, I-I'm sorry. Uhm, back to the plan."

I can't take off of my mind what he said earlier.

"So how will you break up with him?"

I think and I think and I think. How?

"I don't know? I guess maybe a simple break-up?" I suggested.

"That'll be fine. As long as you have a valid reason, maybe he'll accept it with open arms."

"Are you joking? He doesn't even want me to hang around outside for a long time because of what happened between us these past few weeks and you want me to think he will accept my decision with open arms? Hah, impossible."

Felix was quite surprised of what I said.

"That was quite loud." He whispered. He moved his eyes signaling to make me look around at my surroundings.

I got everybody's attention.

"Sorry!" I mouthed. I covered my mouth with my hand and made a peace sign with my other hand. I also noticed the waitress beside Felix.

"Oh, I- um.."

The waitress chuckled and raised her pen and her notepad up. "Your order, Miss." She said.

Felix noticed the waitress. He looked at me as if he's giving me the what-to-order look. He rarely goes to cafés.

"Two chocolate doughnuts with cappuchino, please."

"Noted." She said while taking down notes. "Please wait for a while." She smiled and went back to the kitchen.

"Cappuchino? Seriously? I don't like coffee!" Felix remarked.

"You can give it to me later. I need sugar to wake me up."

"You should've gotten a (favorite bread or breakfast food something) and a (favorite drink) and drown into your deep, mysterious thoughts."

"You know me very well, Felix."

"Hah, of course, you stayed with me for a year before. You think that I still don't know you and your nature?"

"Okay, okay. I give up. You win. Let's get back to the plan, shall we?" I raised my hands as a sign of surrender.

"Hey, how about I'll kill him?" Felix said with a eerie smile on his face.

"No! You will not do that! I-"

"Calm down, it's not like I will literally kill him." He said and let out a creepy laugh, a laugh similar to the generic psychopath laugh.

Every hair on my skin suddenly stood up. Chills in my spine.

"Now this is serious..." He suddenly changed the mood.

Felix told me his plan and I agreed with it. It was so simple yet amusing. (A/N: I won't tell the plan >_<)

"I'll do it later." I smirked.

Our orders arrived. They're fresh and hot. We spend another hour eating inside the café while we wait the rain to stop. It magically stopped right after we finished eating. We head to our own homes after.

This is it, get ready.

/Edited at March 18, 2015
If you are a rereader, you noticed that I changed the title and some parts. Haha sorry for those people who are actually British and read this in the past. I'm gonna change this suitable for all. I hope you understand me./


Hey, actually this book will be long. I plan to publish (maybe?) a new book after this. It will be my 1st original story with an original plot and characters. I am so excited but nervous because I feel that it will fail. I have a negative outlook in life lolsies.

Trying to give out a long chapter.. IT'S HARD. TAKES ME LIKE THREE OR FOUR DAYS.

I hope that you liked this chapter. I'll try to describe the surroundings at the later chapters like I did here. Why? I felt like my book is lacking desciptions like what kind of hospital Felix was in? What kind of room he had? You don't know and I don't know. That's the truth. I'LL TRY HARD. I'm not good at writing, I know. I need more practice. I sometimes even think why my fanfics got popular. A magic? A miracle? No one knows.

A fabulous picture of Felix posted here btw.

Stay fabulous, stay awesome, and stay extraordinary Prismatics! :D

-Kuuinimei <3 <3

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