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When Adelaide was young, she despised loud noises and longed for peace and quiet. Tonight she would have given up just about anything to hear her family's laughter or even a bird caw. Adelaide laid in bed but she didn't know why she bothered anyway. These days sleep was the last thing on her mind. She couldn't close her eyes without feeling the shadows and whispers lurking at this horizon. Lurking around the corner. She sighed deeply and carefully rose making sure her husband didn't wake. Making her way to the balcony overlooking her people, the hem of her nightgown billowed around her ankles as she gazed outwards. The North Wind howled and whistled in alarm causing the curtains to thrash against the door of the balcony. Wisps of her hair broke free and she could feel the cold slithering down her spine. The moon, as the only source of light, lingered over the quiet kingdom. Its light flickered as dark shadows threatened to completely silence it. It was almost dawn and this was the most peace she had ever felt in a long time. That the whole city had. She was a fool to hope that it would last. They had been at war for so long and her people couldn't keep up much longer. There were several hundreds of lanterns lit in remembrance of those who protected their city. Who protected her. A raven cawing caused her to snap her attention towards the sky. It soared in circular motions until landing carefully on her arm. She carefully untied the small scroll bound to the raven's leg and opened the scroll. It's time it said. She didn't need a note to tell her that though. She looked back to the barren land past the wall and knew she couldn't delay any longer. The darkness was getting closer each day and it was a matter of time till it approached the city. She had nightmares about this day for many years yet she struggled to keep her panic down. She swallowed as her sweat-slicked hand gripped the helm of her blade tightly. Above, lightning broke the sky gleaming off her obsidian blade reminding her she didn't have a choice.

She walked back into her chambers and smiled sadly towards her beloved. Lorcan always told her that everything would be fine and that they faced whatever danger came their way together. She was a fool to believe what he said. She had had enough of the darkness terrorizing her family and kingdom any longer. She quickly dressed in her fighting leathers and strapped her blade firmly to her back. Her eyes caught her reflection in the mirror. It had only been a few years since her coronation, yet she felt and looked much older. She didn't have much time till dawn arrived demanding its payment.

Approaching her bed, she brushed Lorcan's golden-brown hair from his forehead and left a whisper of a kiss on his forehead. "Forgive me, my love." Guilt gnawed at her heart after promising him the night before that she would tell the truth. This was her last truth and she couldn't tell him. She loved him so much and she knew he would try to stop her from fulfilling her fate. She hastily wrote directions and a promise of return on a scroll and left it by the bed. Hopefully, he would find it in himself to forgive her again.

She forced herself to get up and leave before she lost her courage. As she hurried down the hallway, glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one followed her, she found herself in the doorway of her daughter's room. She quietly approached the two girls sleeping on twin beds. She quickly tucked them and kissed their foreheads. She kneeled and held their hands. Just a moment longer and then she would go.

As she got up to leave, a voice murmured, "Mommy?" Adelaide's breath hitched as she slowly turned around. Corvina's blond pigtails gleamed in the dark as she clutched her doll close to herself.

"What's wrong, darling?"

"Are you going somewhere?" Corvina asked, scanning her mother's attire. "I'm coming with you," she said, rising out of bed.

"No!" Adelaide whispered urgently. Corvina was only ten years old and every day she acted more like Lorcan. Her determined grey-blue eyes like her own made Adelaide's heart burst with pride. She was a fighter and she would miss her- No. She would see her daughters tomorrow. She had to. "Mommy has to go check the perimeters and she will be back. I need you to protect your little sister, okay?"

"Is daddy going with you? It's dark out."

Adelaide hesitated. "Of course."

Corvina glanced toward the window. "You'll be back in the morning, right?"

"I promise, dear," she said, forcing a smile feeling tears prick her eyes. "You know that I'd do anything for you and your sister right? Anything. I love you both so much. Don't forget that."

"I know. I love you too." Corvina responded with a smile snuggling back in bed with her doll.

Adelaide rose on shaky knees and headed towards the doorway. She gazed back one last time and whispered, "I love you my shining stars" and headed towards the horizon

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