Chapter 2

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Denki's POV:

After about 5 minutes of silence, I then get bombarded with questions. "Who is this?!" "Why did you sing to him?!" "Who is he to you?!" I fell Izuku moving my my arms "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!" They all went quiet, even Bakugou. "Now, I am going to answer your questions when we get back to the house got it?" Everyone nods. "Good, now if you wake him he will have a panic attack so please do not shout." "Whatever dunce face/Sure/Fine." I nod at them for thanks and go back to watch Izu's~ chest rising and falling.


We finally get back to the house and walk in. I am carrying Izu in my arms, walk to the kitchen and sit down on one of the chairs with Izu in my lap. "Aright, you can ask you questions now but one at a time." "Who is this?" asked Kiri. "This is Izuku Midoriya." "Who is Izuku to you?" Asked Shinso "Izuku is my childhood best friend." "Why did you sing to him?" Asked Sero, "I sang to him because we made up the song, he would have panic attacks when we were kids and I am the only person that can clam him down." "What do you mean you made the song?" Bakugou asked. "What I mean is that he came up with the lyrics and I did the music." "Wow, you two did all that when?" "We did it when we were 4 years old and 4 years before we got separated." "Who did what with the music you made?" "I made the lyrics and Izu did the music." I hear a noise and look down to Izuku in my arms and he starting to wake up.

Izuku's POV:
I start waking up, I can hear hushed voices and I can feel warmth so I snuggle into the warmth more. I hear a chuckle for said warmth and open my eyes just to see yellow and black hair. I think I have seen that hair before somewhere. Wait, THAT'S DEN DEN'S HAIR. "Den Den?" "Yes Izu it is me." As soon as I hear those words I start crying.
3 person POV:
Izuku just hugged Denki and sobed onto his solder saying 'I missed you' over and over again. "Izu, clam down we found each other and we are not going to be separated from each other easily this time, ok?" All Izu did was now his head as his sobbing turned into little sniffles.

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