Chapter 0

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His fingers dug deep into the girl's pale neck, his grip taking hold of all the veins and muscles it could hold, and ripped it out. The sound of it ripping faintly echoed in the field. Her blood splattering around her delicate face and her light pink kimono. The blood had also seeped out and dripped onto the arm that had grabbed her neck, which eventually dripped onto the already bloody ground below them.

Before she died, the girl had gazed into his eyes and talked to him, like he was still human. Like he was still him.

"Onii-chan..." She had spoken between sobs, "It must've been hard on you, having to take care of me... I'm sorry you always had to carry everything on your shoulders, I'm sorry for not being able to be there for you when you had needed it at times. I'm sorry..." She tightened her grip on his arm that had regenerated and had continued talking, like nothing else was more important. It wasn't. It wasn't important. She didn't need to apologize so why was she?

"Why is it that you have to suffer? Why do the kindest people always have the toughest life?"

Her voice trembled as she said this, but her eyes looked directly into his. Her voice showed her fear, but her eyes showed determination.

"You can do it onii-chan. Please don't lose to that man's blood."

His hand took no hesitation at her words and he could only helplessly watch in terror as his fingers dug into her neck. He wanted to throw up, to rip out his own arms, to let out all that he was feeling right now.

Yet tears did not fall from his eyes. It couldn't. He had absolutely no control. It was like he was trapped inside his own mind, like he was a mere puppet, an object made solely to be controlled and entertain others.

He cruelly stepped on his sister's crumpled up body, new blood collected by his feet as he headed towards the last pillar alive.

He passed by many disassembled bodies, most he could instantly recognize. Kanao, Zenitsu, Inosuke, the pillars. The bodies of his friends and comrades were sprawled across the ground, covered in the dirt and blood, like an abandoned animal that had been trampled way too many times.

As much as seeing his own friends dead and being the one who killed them all were horrifying, it wasn't the worst part of it. No, the worst part was that it was appetizing. Their bodies smelled amazing, a freshly made meal just for him. The delicious taste of blood from his sister had engraved into his mind. The Hunger he possessed but couldn't control only wanted one thing. To devour them.

No. He didn't want this. He didn't want this at all!

They, the last human alive in that field, looked up at met his eyes. Tomioka Giyuu, the water pillar. He had never seen Giyuu-san look so devastated before. He wanted to tear his eyes away, he couldn't bear to see such a look in his eyes. Of course, his body didn't allow him to.

"Tanjiro..." Giyuu-san called out, voice so faint he barely heard it.

Tanjiro- that was who he was, not- not that other man- ignored his voice and instead growled. He was hungry.

He may be hungry, but Tanjiro wasn't. Tanjiro was tired. No, way more than tired. He had killed everyone he loved with his hand. People who he fought many battles with. People who travelled and had many adventures with. People who had trusted him.

He couldn't kill Giyuu-san too.

"Stop it!"

And it was like the entire world flipped as the words escaped from his mouth. His eyes shook from the sudden change. He clenched it shut, hoping whatever this was would end.

Then it was silent.

Hi guys... Remember me lol

My mental state recently has not been good at all and I'm quite focused on art/school

(... and genshin impact but lets just ignore that) And I procrastinated before this, I wont deny that. So like, this is all I got done in the last year oops. Anyway, I don't have a schedule so I guess I'm praying motivation comes and stays

RIP previous chapters

Il0vEcOoKiE... still the savior of my dead english grammar and punctuation

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