Chapter 3

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Muzan's gaze sharpened at the mention of Yorrichi. Shivers went down Tanjiro's back, and he was sure it wasn't from the cold.


Tanjiro moved before Muzan could finish, rushing towards his siblings. It felt like the side effect from pushing himself up the mountain was hitting him now. His toes felt frozen, fingers not gripping the handle of the axe well, and his breathing wouldn't stabilise, the cold wind prickling his throat.

Muzan, as he expected, had no trouble reacting just as fast. Tanjiro narrowly dodged, stumbling with the sudden stinging pain on his back.

"How amusing."

Tanjiro gritted his teeth. He had to remind himself, this wasn't the past. His body wasn't trained yet.

However... When he looked at Muzan, once again, the anger in his heart felt uncontainable. Like it would explode if he tried to control it.

"How is this amusing?" Tanjiro shouted out, "To create such bloodshed and find it amusing... You are truly despicable, Muzan!"

Muzan grinned and muttered something. In just a blink, Muzan disappeared from his view.

"Somehow... Something in me is telling me you'll be very useful. A possibility of achieving either of my goals."

Tanjiro had no time to react when he felt Muzan slashing the wound on his back even more. His breathing became erratic, and he started losing vision.

"Go... Nezuko... run..."

Muzan's laughs filled his ears as he lost consciousness. Again... he couldn't save Nezuko.

Total darkness. Tanjiro couldn't see anything. He felt like he was laying in a field of wisterias.

This trembling feeling.

It was painfully so familiar.

He was scared.

He didn't want to become one again.

He doesn't want to kill anymore of his family.

Even in the darkness Tanjiro could feel the tears trailing down his cheeks.

"Tanjiro, it's ok to be scared." His mothers voice whispered near his ear, exactly like when he was younger and had nightmares.

He hadn't heard this voice in years.

"It's going to be ok. Fight his blood, Tanjiro. I know you can do it."

Could he? He failed to do so before, how could he now?

"Nii-chan, you can't leave them alone!" Takeo's voice called out on his other side. "Rokuta's still a baby!"

Takeo... his hearing started to fade, voices getting jumbled up.

Shigeru... his body was becoming numb, feeling of the wisteria lessening more and more.

Nezuko ran. She ran and ran and ran.

She hugged Rokuto tighter, trying to shield him from the cold winds as best as she could.

The blood on their bodies was frozen for sure now, but she couldn't really do much about it at that moment.

Her hands might have been frozen, and she knew her ears were from how it stung. Even her tears were freezing before it could fully trail down her cheeks.

At some point she fell, her bare foot unknowingly stepping on deep snow. Nezuko tried her best to avoid falling straight forward, her arms still holding Rokuto. She didn't feel the cold much, and it seemed like her body was already too cold to tell.

Sobs were coming out of her, but she could barely register it. Her senses felt numb.

Nezuka had to stand up right now. To get away as far as possible. To protect Rokuto.

The world became blurry, her sense of depth so very off. Was she walking? Was it still snowing? Was that voice Rokuto crying out? Why did the sound seem so far, far away?

"Ro.." Nezuko choked out, her throat was so sore. She tried again, wanting to reassure Rokuto that she wouldn't be leaving him alone. "Ro-"

"You're..." A voice behind her mumbled. She doesn't know how she heard it, but this was a chance. She could get Rokuto to safety.

Nezuko tried to stand up, yet despite her attempts, not a single of her limbs moved.

Oh no...

Well well well
look who isnt dead
Certainly not tanjiro's families LMAO

ok but I got accepted to the colleges i applied to WOOOOOO
now just to finish this school year... If i can even finish all the stuff im behind in

see you guys next year hahaha

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