Part Three

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Even though three days had passed since you had healed Dean, he still hasn't woken up. You would have been really worried about him if the colour hadn't started to return to his skin the night before.

You never once left his side since the first night. After you had first healed him and found out that he was your soulmate, you tried leaving. You were just going to get a room next door but now that your soul had found his it was impossible. Your foot was barely out the door when this feeling of lost washed over you. According to Sam, all the colour drained from your face and he was scared you were going to pass out again. Seeing that your very soul was giving you no other choice, you had pulled one of the chairs out of the little kitchenette and took your spot next to Dean. Which is where, if you were truly honest with yourself, was the only place you wanted to be.

At first Sam wasn't thrilled with the idea of a witch being around his brother all the time. You still hadn't told him about you and Dean being Soulmates. But by the end of day two he decided that you weren't going to hurt Dean.

"So . . . Your a witch?" he finally asked near the end of day three.

You glance quickly at him before looking back at Dean. "Ya buy I'm not like the witches you guys usually hunt. My powers only work to help and heal people. If I try using them for . . . well evil, it starts to eat away at me until it consumes me and kills me," you inform him.

"Oh wow . . . I didn't know there witches like that," he says as he hands you a cup of coffee.

You give him a small smiles as a thank you before bringing the warm liquid up to your lips. "I'm not surprised. As far as I know I'm the only one left with this kind of power," sadness mixing into your voice at the last part.

"Wow . . . So how long have you been the only one?" he asks taking a seat on the other side of the bed.

You knew that wasn't the real question he was asking. But you weren't going to answer that question unless he out right asked you. "Since my mom died a few years ago I guess."

Sam keeps his eyes on you as he takes a sip of his own mug. "Your mother was a witch?"

"Ya, and her mother and her mother's mother. From what she told me all the (Last Name) women were Witches," you inform him keeping your own eyes on Dean. You couldn't get the feeling that if you were to look away for even a second he would slip away from you.

"How long have you been a witch?" he inquired, finally asking the question you know he had been dying to ask.

You reach over and intertwine your hand with Dean's. Thanking your many goddess that he was asleep and won't hear the next part. "For as long as I can remember. My mother started teaching me on my 3rd birthday," you tell him, hoping it would satisfy his question.

Silence fell between the two of you. Even with your eyes still on Dean's you could feel Sam's eyes on you. With a sigh, you lean back in your chair and decided that you might as well get it over with.

"I've been a witch for over 400 years," you spit out as you close your eyes tight.

When it had been a few minutes and Sam still hadn't said anything, you slowly open your eyes. Sure enough, his eyes were wide and his mouth had fallen open. You start to nibble on your bottom, waiting for him to say something, anything.

"Over 400 years!" he bursts out, jumping from his chair.

You flinch slightly at his out burst. "Shhhh . . . Keep it down. It's not that big of a deal. In Witch years, I'm more like (y/a). Which doesn't make it that bad," you explain shifting awkwardly in your seat.

Sam gives you a once over, making you even more nervous. If he was giving you such suspicious looks, you could only image the look Dean would give you when he found out. You were so focused on Sam that you didn't notice Dean's hand squeeze your ever so gently.

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