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Every day was the same. You woke up, ate breakfast and traveled to Dragonspine, where you had a little side job, which was assisting Albedo with his experiments. Who is Albedo? He is mostly called "Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius", but you just call him Albedo, no need to speak around the line. He is.. rather on the quiet,calm and collected side, but that's what you love so much about him. From one time to another, Klee also joins you. The little girl dressed in red, always making bombs? Exactly! She has a brother-sister like relationship with him, and to be honest, it's the most adorable thing ever!

"Would you take care of Klee while I'm going to be gone for a little? I need to collect some ingredients for an experiment."

"Of course!", you nodded and sat down with her in your lap. The moment he disappeared from around the corner, she started talking nonstop.

"Brother Albedo always talks so so much about you! How pretty you are, how you always help him, how much he trusts you, and how he loves spending time with you! He's so so in love in love with you, you should marry!! And you always stare at him like he is a prince!

You felt your brain go: *my.exe.stopped.working.error.404.*

How is it that a little child like her knows about my feelings for him, do i make it THAT obvious?

"Klee I- What makes you think that??"

"Cmonnn its obvious!!I'll tell brother you love him, he'll be so so happy about it!!" 

"Klee, I do love your jokes, but I wont make a fool of myself, thats very sweet of you to say, but.."

"No buts!!I want brother 'bedo to be happy!"

She's so cute, and the thought of that is too..But is what she saying..really true?? Not some sort of fun little joke invented by a child?

As a finished my thought, my eyes saw him turning in to the his little lab (sort of?) set up in the icy cold nature of Dragonspine.

"I collected my needed materials, you can leave if you want, it'll take a while anyways.."

Why should I leave him??This could be the one time I'd have some alone time with him!

"I could have Jean pick up Klee to bring her back to Mondstadt, this will be extremely boring for her."

As Jean picked up Klee and you turned your body back into his direction, he was closely inspecting what he's mixing together.

"So..say..I know your birthday is today and I haven't congratulated you, atleast not properly..So i wanted to ask you.."

Will you go on a date with me? To the Angel's Share?

Those words left his lips as easy and light as a feather, and i could feel a feeling inside of me, a warm one, a comforting one..

And sooner than I could even comprehend what he just asked me, he layed his lips on mine, so very gently, connecting us..

His arms around my figure, holding me tight as if he'd never see me again..

His eyes locking with mine, giving me a feeling of home..

Home..Firstly, I arrived here as nothing more than a traveler, looking for my lost sibling, and now i felt like I've found everything i always wanted.

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