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Tik... Tok... Tik... Tok... Tik... Tok...

All I can hear is the noise of the clock infront of the whole class that was displayed on the top of the board in the front.

I was staring at it for about 30 minutes and it's the only noise I can hear since I assume our proffesor was lazy to teach us a lesson, but he speaks too but in a short way.

Talking some random stuff and by the way his subject was history, my second to the most hated subject since it was so boring.






And suddenly the bell rang causing the students to stand up in a quick way so is me like they are chasing some person or a things also the teacher infornt of us, when the bell rangs he suddenly stand up and walk away like nothing happened.

I just sigh and make my way through the bathroom to change my clothes since Felix poured me a water.

I hate being wet, I mean wet like the water was stuck on my body, not the one what you're thinking... You're so green minded...

Soon I already changed my clothes and I was about to exit the cubicle not until i heard a group of guys speaking causing me to stop in my track.

"Do you know the news about Felix?"

"What about him?"

"Someone saw him that he was hang to the gymnasium!"

"What the—"

"He deserve that since he was an asshole"

"Stop with that word... Come on let's see it, some students are there now!"

I suddenly gasp and covery mouth not trying to make a noise, it's been hours ago since I saw him but now he is dead!!!

How's that happened?!

As soon as those group of guys exited the bathroom I suddenly run towards the gymnasium, revealing the students are around to the middle and when I walk towards it, it was a big shocked to me, horror filled my body and it was like eating me.

I suddenly palm my mouth in shocking way, his guts are revealed and his body was revealed, but his pants are still on.

Another guts crime was happened, I assume that the monster are just here, near us.

I suddenly ran towards the big bin and throw up since I hate seeing guts in person it made me sick like hell and soln I saw my hyung came to me with a worried and unexplainable expression to it's face.

"Are you okay?? I heard that someone kill Felix?"
My hyung Jin ask with a worried and feared expression to it's face, as I nod and sigh, hence, I wipe my mouth using my back hand to wipe off the dirt in my mouth.

"W-when I was at the bathroom changing my clothes since it was wet, I suddenly heard a group guys talking about the accidents and once they are out already exited the bathroom, I suddenly ran towards the gymnasium which is here and saw T-that..."
I said as I point to Felix who is hang above, as my hand is shaking up in fear, and I suddenly feel Jin hyung's hand on my back, comforting me as he smiled and I smile back.

I am so curious and it's getting weird,I think there's something that I need to know I can feel it inside my chest...

"That vicious monster or Beast are just here around... Near us..."


Beauty's Beast [KSJ X JJK FF]Where stories live. Discover now