Stars, monsters, fairies, and dreams

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   "For the love of god." That's what I thought as I hit the roof. I had been fighting someone who threw me against someone's house and promptly left. I need to remember not to fight other people who can fly. fwoomp I hit the ground and used my wings to soften the impact. Bad idea #1.

   "Are you okay?" Some man helped me up. I recognized him as a hero, though I couldn't place which one he was. There are so many and I hate the vast majority of them.

   "Yeah, I'm fine" I said as I stretched out my large purple wings, wincing as pain rolled through my body from the broken wing. I was then picked up and brought inside.

   "Stay here. Shiggy, watch her" The man said as he set me on the couch before leaving to get the first aid kit.

   "Hey! I recognize you! You helped us kidnap someone, right? You're Panic Attack!" One of the ex-villains one the couch by the name of Dabi said to me, very obviously getting excited.

   "isn't she also the one who ran out of the forest raving about seeing things?" The other ex-villain asked as the man who brought me in sat down and numbed my wing before tightly wrapping it.

   "I have panic attacks fairly often, I most likely saw something during one." I replied before standing up and heading towards the door, trying my best not to scream. I did see something, I don't know what it was, I did see something though.
    "Maybe you should stay the night? So we can keep an eye on that injury, of course" The hero who saved me tried to reason with me.

    "You heroes are too quick to judge characters. I could kill you all, you know! I'm not staying." I swiftly walked out and went to the forest, hopping into a tree and cutting the bandages off my wing. Bad idea #2. After settling into the tree I heard a low humming noise from somewhere in the forest,or. Being the curious bird villain I am, I went to investigate.
     I saw a girl with long white hair that shines like the moon, and eyes so pale blue they almost look white. She was being chased by a strange monster. My body seemed to move on it's own when I ran over to help her when she tripped. The monster then proceeded to push us down the hill we were on. I protected her with my wings as she snuggled up to my chest, trying to stay safe.
     When we hit the bottom of the hill I looked up at the monster as it roared a loud, bone chilling, eardrum bursting roar. And we fell. Down.. Down... Down....
      I used my wings to catch us and land us on the bottom, like I actually have a brain or something.

     "Are you okay, ma'am? Did you get too hurt?" I said as I waved my hand over her injuries, healing them in an instant.

    "Yes, I should be. How did you find me, human?" She spoke in a soft Irish accent but still flawlessly in Japanese.

    "I heard something humming and then saw you being chased" I said, folding up my wing and hissing quietly as fresh waves of pain rolled over me. She blushed softly.

    "T-that was me, I tend to run away from my kind.." She smiled at me "Usually that species isn't aggressive unless under extreme stress anyway" She looked down and made sure her hair was hiding her ears.

    "You're lucky I was in the forest, then." I said, smiling at her and sending a beam of purple light up the hole we fell down, trying to see how far we fell.

    "I guess I am.. Thank you.." She smiled softly at me, which made my heart skip a beat and my stomach flutter.

    "If we're going to get out of here, I'll need to fly again.. maybe Virgil can take her.. hm..." I mumbled to myself as she handed me a small stone with a rope attached.

    "That's for protection! Keep it safe!" She giggled.

     Damn she's cute.. I thought she was cute.. Why did I think she's cute? Either way I put the "protection rock" in my pocket

    "Thanks I suppose" I sent another beam of light around the room, testing to see how much room there is to walk.
    Apparently she saw something I didn't because when I heard a soft cooing noise, a million small fairies flew into the air and emitted a soft blue light. She reached out her hand to me and I took it, soon being pulled into the cloud of blue light.

     "Stay behind me! There could be danger!!" She smiled at me "and I love danger~" She giggled and pulled me in further.

      "This is one hell of a dream.." I mumbled, smirking and following her.

One hell of a dream

(Sooo this is my first story!! What do you think? What can I do to make it better? Can I make it better at all? Gimme feed back!!)

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